Fall Break in Review

On Thursday morning we had a really late start. We decided to head to the Park Café in Salt Lake for a very late breakfast. I had my usual biscuits and gravy with eggs over medium and sausage. Patrick got the Michigan hash—his fave. I noticed two tables down from me was none other than the owner/operator of one of my favorite Instagram accounts--@dallassrae. She’s so dang cute in person. I said nothing for two reasons: 1. She was at breakfast, and I didn’t want to bug her. 2. I was scared. But mostly reason number two. I mean look at this girl. After that, we walked over to Liberty Park toward the Tracy Aviary. I had free admission there with my Connect pass. We really enjoyed our time. Patrick loved feeding the ducks, swans, and pigeons using the quarter operated food dispenser. He even ended up holding a pigeon on his hand. They weren’t afraid at all. Them were some bold pigeons, I tell ya! After the Aviary, we went to Jordan Commons and saw The Judg...