August in Review

August 1 was so, so hot. Matthew and I both had our to-do lists on this day. I got a massage that was pretty great. One of mine was to get my gross car washed, inside and out. I actually didn't put my car into neutral when I meant to, so I drove quite a ways into the wash area before I saw the employee flailing her arms at me. So that was mildly embarrassing. But my car is now super clean. I even vacuumed the trunk, which still isn't perfect, but it's better than it was. Matthew came over about 3:30. We went to the pool for a while. I made us dinner; we talked about marital stuff and our future. I also made us Butterbeer slushies since I didn't get to on Friday. We watched two episodes of the new Umbrella Academy. Sunday, August 2 I went on a walk, stretched, watched church on Zoom, did my July blog post, and called my grandpa. I went to the pool for a little while. Matthew and I made dinner and watched Umbrella Academy. August 3, I got dinner with Kristine at Texas R...