On Being Bold

What kind of person are you? Are you the kind of person who steps in when someone is in trouble? Or do you get nervous and freeze? Do you worry about stepping into a situation that’s “none of your business”? I can say after being witness to or part of several uncomfortable situations in my life, I probably am more fearful than I care to admit. I freeze up in situations and feel like I don’t know what to say. It can range from the harmless situation of a man at church grabbing my left hand to ask the (basically stranger) single guy next to me, “What about this one? What's wrong with her?” to the creeper outside Starbucks giving me eyes and saying, “Helloooooo.” Or it could be a straight up emergency, where a car is flipped over, and people could be hurt. Do you call an ambulance? Or do you check on the people, if a car could explode while you’re next to it? Today I was walking back to my car in the Smith’s parking lot after getting a key copied for work. I heard ...