July in Review

Thursday, July 1 was a big day professionally. I took the time to watch the Stack Method videos on their website. I have implemented this email management method since then, and it's changed the game for me. I love it. That evening, I picked up some storage bins from Home Depot after work. Matthew was gone house and dog sitting, so I took myself out to dinner and watched Loki by myself. July 2 Matthew and I got lunch at Village Baker since we hadn't seen each other in a couple days. After work I got busy cleaning out our balcony storage, taking things to the garbage, and deciding what things would be best in storage. We got a notice from our HOA about our bikes being on the balcony (don't even get me started), so we needed to make room. When I get started on projects like that, I don't stop. So I didn't eat until 9pm. Saturday, July 3 I did normal Saturday things: cleaning, laundry, workout. I got our storage unit squared away and made two trips total to get thing...