November in Review

November 1 was just another day at work. Thankfully Matthew didn’t have security or catering. Baby boy had some ricotta and cantaloupe. November 2 was my first day dropping down to five pump sessions. I made German chocolate cake, but did not frost them. My mom brought spaghetti and cheese bread for us which was really nice. After putting the baby down I drove to my milk donors house to pick up my pump that she borrowed and a little bit of frozen milk that she gave me. November 3 I worked a half day and then went to the visitation before my friend’s baby‘s funeral. My mom came over for a little while. I played with the baby. I made him zucchini and yams for dinner. I finished making German chocolate cake from the day before. November 4 was a quiet day off. I took a nap in the morning. AJ was really fun on this day. He was trying to make a clicking sounds with his tongue. He also had scrambled eggs for the first time. We went on a nearby errand. I looked through old photos and watc...