Good The pool . If we ever move from this condo, the pools will be what I miss the most. It's so nice to walk three minutes to it. I don't have to make special plans or arrangements. I don't need to load up a car. I don't need to do anything. Just walk over. I've been at the pool more in the past two months than I probably have in the last 9 years of living here. Matthew started work at Alpine . I feel like this is and will be a good thing for lots of reasons. 4th of July . We went to Logan for most of the day to be with my brother and his family. They went overboard and spoiled us with dinner. It was fun to watch the cousins play, and good to just be with family and not have anywhere else I needed to be or other things I needed to be doing. Rooted in Play . I signed AJ and I up for an outdoor sensory class on Fridays. It honestly has made my Fridays a lot busier and more challenging, but it's also good to have an obligation to be outside for a while. He has ...