September GBOMB

Good Teaching. I got to facilitate an emotional intelligence presentation at Leadership University. I love teaching. It feels like home. Anticipation. We go home to CA in 9 days, and I am so excited! I'm enjoying the anticipation of it and will be sad when it's over. Busyness. We did a LOT in September. It's thanks to having Matthew home on weekends, honestly. I don't know that we would do as much if it were just me and AJ. We went to the zoo, the fair, Peach Days, Sandy Harvest Parade, Cornbelly's, and did a fall colors drive. I am ready to slow down a little bit, but love looking back at how much we did in September. Acupuncture. Wow. I didn't even know what I was missing my whole life. I've had three appointments, and the last two I've taken a nap during the session. It's SO relaxing. Cold mornings. I LOVE to run in the cold weather, and I love to open the balcony when I lift weights and it's only 50 degrees out. I love to feel the shift o...