
September GBOMB

Good Teaching. I got to facilitate an emotional intelligence presentation at Leadership University. I love teaching. It feels like home.  Anticipation. We go home to CA in 9 days, and I am so excited! I'm enjoying the anticipation of it and will be sad when it's over.  Busyness. We did a LOT in September. It's thanks to having Matthew home on weekends, honestly. I don't know that we would do as much if it were just me and AJ. We went to the zoo, the fair, Peach Days, Sandy Harvest Parade, Cornbelly's, and did a fall colors drive. I am ready to slow down a little bit, but love looking back at how much we did in September.  Acupuncture. Wow. I didn't even know what I was missing my whole life. I've had three appointments, and the last two I've taken a nap during the session. It's SO relaxing.  Cold mornings. I LOVE to run in the cold weather, and I love to open the balcony when I lift weights and it's only 50 degrees out. I love to feel the shift o

September in Review

 9/1 I was not able to get back to sleep after I woke up so I went on a walk by myself and then made AJ some breakfast. It was dairy reintroduction day for me so I had scrambled eggs with cheese and also got a breve on our way to the zoo. We had a really great time at the zoo. I had yogurt with a normal whole 30 lunch. I went to the movies to see Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone by myself which was amazing. I got a decaf shaken espresso afterward, living my best dairy life. I did bath time and bedtime and then went to Cold Stone to finish off my dairy party. 9/2 was an awesome day off. I lifted weights. We took AJ to the park for a picnic. The bees were hovering around me for a few minutes which was terrible. During AJ's nap I painted my toenails and watched the Disney movie Wish. I took AJ to the pool after his nap. We went as a family to Red Basil Thai restaurant which was incredible just for the ambience. I did bathtime and Matthew did bedtime.  9/3 I did leg day and we

August GBOMB

Good The zoo. I feel like I say this every month, but it is seriously one of the best things we decided to do this year. And AJ is more fun every single time we go. More aware, more observant, more excited. Today he was excited to see the monkeys, and he actually did watch them. It's so fun.  AJ generally. "Come on dad!" "OK, yet's do it." "OK, yet's go." "Time to get in the car." I just love all his little phrases. He makes me smile all day every day. And he also makes me take deep calming breaths when he's having completely psychotic meltdowns. But mostly I just enjoy him and appreciate this stage.  Harry Potter at Megaplex. I'm going in just a few minutes to the theater to watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone at Megaplex. Megaplex is so decked out with Harry Potter stuff. It is awesome!  The weather. Going outside in the evenings with AJ lately has been so nice. When the sun is down, but it's still warm. I lo

August in Review

August 1 I got up at six to lift weights. I worked from home and did some laundry. I made sweet potato casserole and ran to Starbucks as well. I took AJ to the pool, made us dinner, and did bath and bedtime. Normal evening of Duolingo, Cleaning, etc.  August 2 I was up before six to do leg day. AJ was very wakeful the night before. I worked a couple of hours and then took AJ to outdoor sensory class. Thankfully he did not have a meltdown. During his nap I did some cleaning and laundry and some more work. We went to the pool and had an otherwise normal evening. August 3 woke around 6:30. Finished cleaning, did laundry, took AJ on a walk, made us breakfast, went to Petco, Smith's, and the vet for cat food. Did lunch time, client check in, and cleaned the floors. Took AJ to the pool. Made chicken fajitas in the oven (no tortillas). Did bath and bedtime. Watched House of the Dragon with Matthew. August 4 I was woken up at 5:45 by the loud downstairs special needs neighbor on his phone