I'm 22

In spite of the fact that I had my camera with me, I got no pictures on my 22nd birthday. Age is such a weird thing. It's like you never feel older, but when you think of everything you've done, learned, experienced, how you've grown, who you've met, you realize you are a very different (and hopefully better) person than you were a year ago. I'm not so sure if I am better than a year ago. I might be in some ways. I know I'm better than I was two years ago! That's an encouraging thought. In any case, this last birthday (11 days ago) was a very different one for me. Someone very important to me was not there like he had been for two birthdays previous... That is a long time to know someone. But those who love me tried to make it a good birthday for me anyway! And it was. I received lots and lots of messages, wall posts, and comments online wishing me a happy birthday. In the morning I had a class at 8 o'clock. My friend Brianne stood up when class was over...