The Vainest Blog I'll Ever Write

I'll apologize ahead of time for the appearance of vanity in this post...

I just need an opinion. Should I cut my hair again, or keep growing it out (and perhaps just do the same style as when it was short)...?

Here are some pictures. Long first.

And short...

Thoughts? Comments? Is it dumb that I'm even asking? Say so.


Simply Vera Family said…
This may be a very different opinion than others... But I like it longer. I think it's because I've known you so long and you've mostly had it long. It seems more "Janae" to me... and isn't that who you're trying to find again?
Mike Talley said…
Now see I'm going to say short, because it is cuter I think than when it is long although your hair looks great either way.
Unknown said…
I think you're beautiful. I love it short, and I loved it long. Always keep the bangs thing going on either way.
amelia said…
I LOVE the short on you. You rock that choppy look very well.

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