Word of the Day

Abysmal: extremely or hopelessly bad or severe.

My life for the next week or two will seem to me abysmal.

By Tomorrow:
One-page perception paper (will do this afternoon)
10-minute presentation on the self-making rhetoric of Benjamin Franklin (will do all day today)
Read The Talmud and the Internet (check)
One-page journal entry (check)
One-page fact-based paper (check)

By Monday the 13th:
Read Uncommon Reader
15-page paper on the self-making rhetoric of Benjamin Franklin (possibly due the 20th)

By Tuesday the 14th:
Fix unit plan, rationale, and goals
Fix assessment and rubric for unit plan
Three complete lesson plans

By Wednesday the 15th:
8-12 page term paper on sainthood in postmodern novels Mister Pip and The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse

By the 20th:
Finished Teacher Work Sample (parts B, C, and D), uploaded to Livetext


Teaching Reading: Take-home written essay. Turn in the 17th. Participate in class discussion about other concepts.

Rhetoric and Identity Politics: Written response on ethics and identity on the 20th.

Teaching English: Some sort of extensive written final (20th).

Postmodern Lit: Present 8-12 page paper to a group (15th).


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