Home Stretch

I'm sure at some point I'll write a much sappier reflection on my first year teaching. Even if it's an internship, I considered myself a real first year teacher. I had the same level of work and responsibility if not more due to my class in the fall.

But I'm on the home stretch. I graded and entered all of my students' narratives this weekend. I was super distracted yesterday but was really focused and fast today. I feel SO accomplished by having them done.

I'm not excited for the late work (including more narratives) that will come in tomorrow. Not excited at all. But it's OK because the next few days will be fun in my class.

I need to find some boxes to start taking my stuff out of my room.

It's crazy. I can't believe there's only five days left. I'm freaking out a little bit and need to come up with a schedule to fill up my days so I don't feel like a bum.

But I'll only need to plan for about a week and a half's worth of days since I'm going to HAWAII!



StacyB said…
Yippee for you, daughter. Sure wish I was getting on that plane too! What fun 'end of year' things do you have planned for your little fun-yuns?

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