1st Day, Perfected Soda, Bed Set

First day of school was long, long, long! My room was terribly stuffy and hot. It was only 77 degrees outside today. It was glorious when I came outside after being in my classroom! I should've opened my windows. It was bad. Anyway, three 83-minute long classes... One class, on the first day, is the devil. On the first day! That's a terrible sign. I need to figure out how to manage this situation. I kept them for a minute and a half after the bell rang. Yikes.

We discussed a quote on the bulletin board that says, "How little do they see what really is, who frame their hasty judgment upon that which seems." - Daniel Webster. We broke it down, and I tried to help them understand it. 

After three long classes, a crazy lunch duty, a hot classroom, and a devil class, it completely made my day when one of my students came back after school and knocked on my door. He came in and asked if he could please take a picture of the quote on my bulletin board.

How freaking awesome is that? My choice of quote touched this kid in some way. I love it. Makes my job worth it.

In other news, I have perfected my Tiger's Blood Italian Soda art.

I'm eyeballing it, and it's coming out amazingly. I'm wondering how much I'm averaging a drink, since I paid like $3.25 at Cocoa Bean.

1.5 oz strawberry - $.43
1.5 oz coconut - $.43
1.5 oz half and half - $.45
1/2 bottle sparkling water - $.50

Total - $1.81 (plus whipped cream, which doesn't count).

Yep, I win. Except that I can now have one of these every day and am gonna stay fat. hahaaaa.

They called about my bedroom set today. It's coming on Thursday between 3 and 7 (I preferenced later). Hallelujah.

P.S. I'm loving the Harry Potter extravaganza that's on HBO and the Family channel. I think this is the third time I've watched the Half-blood Prince in like 5 days. Not joking.

I went bowling with Sydnie on Saturday. And watched Lars and the Real Girl. And yesterday morning I watched Secret Life of Bees and LOVED it.

And I tried a new ward. It was too small. We'll see.

And tonight I'm gonna watch Best in Show. Never seen it. :) Time to go.


StacyB said…
I would definitely call it a perfect day for a new teacher who will make a difference in many lives!!! Oh, and at least they will bring your bedroom set at the right time and haul it up (and hopefully set it up~) since Tyler and Jared aren't there for 7:15 am delivery. ;)

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