Pizza Pizza

Normal pizza order conversation:

"Thank you for calling (insert name of pizza place here), what can I do for you?"

"Hi, I'd like to place an order for pickup please."

"OK, can I get your phone number, name, etc.?"

OR "OK, order whenever you're ready."

Retarded pizza order conversation a moment ago:

"Thank you for calling (insert name of pizza place here), what can I do for you?"

"Hi, I'd like to place an order for pickup please."






"Do I need to give you my phone number or anything?"


"OK, then I want..."

Like wow, are you kidding me dude?

No, "Order whenever you're ready," or "What can I get for you?"???

Are we really going to sit in silence the rest of the night?

Oh, right. The customer has to break the silence created by your insolence.

I should've known.


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