
I asked for a Magic Bullet a month and a half before Christmas. I really wanted one so I could make smoothies.

Sometimes kids get new toys and play with them for like a week, and then they get bored with it.

I am no such kid. And my Magic Bullet is no such toy.

I've made 4 or 5 smoothies this week, including one today, which I am finishing right now.

I bought a big bag of frozen mixed fruit at Costco for about $8. I bought some bananas, some strawberry yogurt, and I always have orange juice on hand. Each smoothie probably costs a (totally) guesstimated total of $1, tops. Take that, Jamba!

I fill up about half the cup with the fruit, cut up half of a banana, pour some orange juice in there till it's about 1/3 up, and then a few spoonfuls of yogurt.

Perfect texture, perfect taste, perfectly healthy!!


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