
Really there are no notable changes in my life...

But I get to sleep in tomorrow (a Friday) and Monday! Four-day weekend. I love sleeping.

I also pre-ordered my copy of True Grit.

And I got a 3 for $20 deal at Blockbuster--Easy A, The King's Speech, and Secretariat.

I watched a good movie last night. Smart People. I enjoyed it immensely. 

I'm 343 pages away from finishing my book, which is freaking amazing. The book is, I mean. Also the fact that I'm almost done. I love thinking about and discussing complex ideas.

Which is why my 8-hour trip to St. George was great. In the car, I got to talk to two of my favorite people about some of my favorite ideas. And I got to see my sister and cute niece.

I got lots of grading done today. I was at work for 10 hours. It was a long one. And a rough week in general. 

Time for bed.


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