Dating Games?

That's funny, I didn't realize that going on dates equaled playing games.

Here I thought that you date someone to get to know them and spend time with them.

And then if you're not interested at some point, you don't go out on dates anymore.

I can see where someone might hesitate with this interpretation. However, dates do not have to cost a lot of money (or any at all).

Here are some things I would like to do:

- Play games (any except card games. e.g. Yahtzee, movie trivia, word games, Monopoly, etc.)
- Walk around temple square
- Walk around downtown Salt Lake
- Drive up the canyon
- Have a bonfire (maybe cook food or make s'mores)
- Have a picnic at a park
- Watch a movie (at home or at the theater--regular or dollar theater)
- Get a shake
- Bake something together
- Share music
- Go to a pawn shop
- Go to a museum (preferably an art museum)
- Go on a hike (preferably an easy one)
- Go to the pool and swim/tan/talk
- Go boating
- Sight-see in Utah - Salt Flats, etc. (there's way too much I haven't seen)
- Go to a comedy club of sorts
- Go to a concert (it can just be like at In the Venue or Muse, under $10, or free!)
- Go to a baseball game (or other sporting event, but baseball is my favorite; major or minor leagues)
- Color (yep, I said it. I like coloring. Don't judge me.)
- Ice skate (in the winter)
- Boating

Really, I just like when there is a plan. I don't mind making decisions regarding those plans. Like if I'm given a few options, I don't mind picking. But I like knowing there is a plan laid out no matter what I choose. I am not high maintenance. I don't demand to be taken to expensive restaurants or have someone buy things for me...

Just show some thoughtfulness, have a plan, and open doors.

And I'm a happy girl!

And at some point when I am not happy (or not interested), I will no longer accept date invitations. Simple as that.



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