Conference Saturday

I love General Conference.

It feels like fall officially is in.

I was good and spread my homework throughout the week so I could focus on Conference on Saturday. I finished the last of my homework about 15 minutes in to morning session. (I had three chapters of reading, plus part of an article, plus a reaction paper to the reading, plus my first case study report).

I listened to conference. While listening, I got a lot done:
I did laundry
I made pumpkin spice cookies
I loaded all my Scentsy burners with Pumpkin Roll scented wax
I decorated for Halloween (I put up spider webs and some Halloween figurines, and a trick-or-treat bag)
I did dishes/cleaned my kitchen

Between conference sessions
I went to the gym
I vacuumed
I cleaned my bathroom

After Conference was over, I went to the mall to pick up a new screen shield for my phone.

Then I had a date that included Happy Sumo and wandering around the Gateway, Glee, some Halloween decorating, and conversation. Lots of fun!

My favorite talks were from Brother Jose Alfonso, Elder Christofferson, and President Boyd K. Packer. I was pretty emotional during a large number of the talks. A lot of them were things I needed to hear, about time management (and time wasting, like on social networks), about the atonement, and about how Heavenly Father loves and knows me. I felt like that last part was the theme, at least during morning session--that Heavenly Father is mindful of us and loves us, and not to get discouraged. Lots of "be encouraged" talks!

Anyway, yesterday was a really fantastic day. I got a lot done, was very festive, and was spiritually edified. Yay for fall!


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