I just switched my Facebook over to the Timeline style profile. And what a timely switch that was! I clicked on map and could see my check-ins for this year.

I have had 112 check-ins at 24 Hour Fitness since January 4th of this year.

Considering that I didn't even check in every time I went to the gym, and considering that often times if I didn't go to the gym, I exercised at home with a DVD or Netflix video, I have exercised on more than one-third of the days in 2011.

This makes me feel really accomplished!

I may not have worked out super hard every day. I may not have stuck to a routine or regiment for specific days. I may not have even lost weight.

But I have been consistent.

And for my health, that is what matters.

In the past I have gone through phases and spurts of working out, especially during the summer and tapering off in the colder weather.

The kind of consistency I have demonstrated to myself this year in exercising is something I needed to see tonight. I needed to see that I could be consistent and diligent in doing something good. I needed to see that I haven't been as stagnant or inadequate as I thought. I needed to see the measurement of it. The visual fact right in my face.

Sometimes we just need to know that we can do it; and sometimes we find that out by seeing that we already have.

Here's to 2012... a year of continued consistency and progress.


Lisa Petrarca said…
Love this post Janae! Proud of you and KEEP IT UP! I have a Devotional/Journal that I write in. I finished it last year & thought I needed a new one. But when I was reading through it, I decided to spend this year re-reading the messages & my journal entries. WOW-nothing is more powerful than seeing your growth over the year. Love you Nae & YOU GO GIRL!!!:D

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