Something That Bugs Me

This was a writing prompt in my class today. We first made a list of things that bug us. Then we had to pick one and write about it. I chose, "leaving shopping carts in the middle of the aisle." I wrote this in about ten minutes. Like everything else I post on here, it needs work. But for your entertainment...

So, you go to the grocery store. You've got your list of food you need to buy. Maybe some produce, some yogurt... A little of this, a little of that.

Let's say you get to the store at 6 PM, along with all the other people who just barely decided what to make for dinner tonight (and you wonder if those were all the same ones who procrastinated their essays in school). It's pretty crowded.

Regardless of the crowding, aisles are generally big enough to fit two carts going opposite ways. The problem, though, is when that iconic occasional male shopper, or that older lady who's got nowhere to be anytime soon, stops his or her cart right in the middle of the aisle. The thing is, I know what I need and where I need to get it. But inevitably, I get trapped behind Albert who can't decide which kind of Hamburger Helper he wants tonight.

These people take inordinate amounts of time to make these decisions, as though their eternal welfare were at stake.

They're smiling about blocking the aisle! 

Why do I get stuck behind the person who has to contemplate her yogurt destiny when I just need to get to the 1% milk? Why?

Why, if he is going to take so long to pick his Lean Cuisine, can he not move his cart off to the side and get the freak out of the way?

I just want to be like, "Listen. I understand that the immense variety of cream cheese is intimidating and stirs feelings of unsurety on your selective taste buds, but it's 6 PM. I have places to be and food to eat. Look around you, be considerate, and get your cart out of the way before my growling stomach determines that it's time for us to play bumper carts."

Your cart on the right, after I'm done with it. 


Tonia Z said…
Hey...I am probably the person in line contemplating the yogurt and pulling out all my coupons... :)
Becca and Greg said…
Bwahahaha! I love the way you've put it. And that is something that drives me nuts, too. I usually push my cart SUPER close (like running into their cart close) and look back and forth like "I know I can fit, just how?" And then when they look up (they almost always do) I say "Excuse me". Then they'll move their cart. Still, how hard is it to park your cart on the edge of the aisle!
Rachel said…
Sometimes I like a plethora of cheese on my palate.
Rachel said…
Excuse me. A DANCING plethora.
I hate it when people do that!!!! Especially since if we slow down Mason starts taking things out of the cart and throwing them on the floor. Some people just move at a different pace in life and its hard to always be patient with them especially when they take 15 minutes to pick out a pasta sauce while their cart takes up the whole aisle!!!
Larissa said…
Ah yes. So familiar. I also hate it when people have their carts and them+cart is not physically in your way, but they have small children running about that ARE in your way. When you say Excuse Me, they look at you like you have the plague because they aren't in your way. *sigh* I'm going to be the most self-conscious parent...

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