Dear Diary

My life has been ridiculously crazy lately. Let's recap.

- 7:00 AM leave for work
- 7:30 AM to 3:10 PM work
- 3:10-3:30 drive home and drop roommate off
- 3:30 drive straight to gym
- 3:45-4:30 work my butt off
- 4:30 drive home
- 5:00 - 7:00 work some more: write 3 SEO articles
- Shower and get ready
- 7:30-9:30 dinner date
- Sleep

- 7:00 AM leave for work
- 7:30 AM to 3:10 PM work
- 3:10-3:30 roommate drives me home; I get in my car
- 3:30 drive straight to gym
- 3:45-4:30 work my butt off
- 4:30 drive home
- 5:00 - 7:00 work some more: write 2 SEO articles
- Shower and get ready
- 7:30-9:30 dinner date
- Sleep

- 7:00 AM leave for work
- 7:30 AM to 3:10 PM work
- 3:10-3:40 PM drive to Novels Committee meeting
- 3:40-5:00 PM Novels Committee meeting
- 5:00-5:45 drive through Taco Bell and eat a burrito in my car, then go to the mall and get free underwear at Victoria's Secret (thanks Vickie!)
- 5:45-6:30 drive to Smith's and get groceries
- 6:35 get home and put groceries away
- 6:40 change clothes
- 6:45 get in the car and drive to Cornbelly's with roommate
- 7:15-9:30 play at Cornbelly's with roommate
- 11 PM sleep


- 7:00 AM leave for work
- 7:30 AM to 3:10 PM work
- 3:10-3:30 roommate drives me home; I get in my car
- 3:30 drive straight to gym
- 3:45-4:30 work my butt off
- 4:30 drive to bank and deposit check
- 4:40 pick up a Halloween gift for Rachel
- 5:30 - 7:30 work some more: write 2 SEO articles and make dinner in between
- 7:30 to bedtime, messed around on Pinterest, didn't do a lesson plan for Friday because brain was broken
- 10:30 PM sleep


- 7:00 AM leave for work
- 7:30 AM to 3:10 PM work
- 3:10-3:30 drive home and drop roommate off
- 3:30 drive straight to gym
- 3:45-4:30 work my butt off
- 4:30 drive home
- 5:00 - 7:00 work some more: write 3 SEO articles
- 7:15 shower
- 7:45 get myself a Little Caesar's pizza, pick up cupcakes for Rachel and me
- 8:15 PM-12:30 AM watch Dexter (season 5) with Raytch
- 1:00 AM sleep

- 9:00 AM wake up
- 9:10-9:30 AM work out in the living room
- 9:30-10:00 AM get ready
- 10-11 AM breakfast with Rachel at Kneaders
- 11 AM-4 PM take a mini road trip to Brigham City, walk around the temple and tabernacle, and walk around the Huntsville Monastery.
- 4-6 PM nap
- 6:30 roll out of bed
- 6:30-now do laundry, make dinner, type blog.

As you can see, Friday night and today were both pretty relaxing, but clearly I've been working really hard and have been non-stop all the time lately. I'm pretty exhausted. But I bet you want pictures from Wednesday night and from today. So here you go.

The drive was beautiful. So beautiful.

Going to watch a movie now. Dark Shadows, maybe? I last watched a movie a week ago. Time to relax.


Jonathan Hiller said…
Out of everyone I know, you are the best at managing time. The pictures look awesome, and really show falls beauty. Busy week, but seems like a Saturday worth having

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