Workout Wednesday: A Running Survey

So I wrote this last week and ended up forgetting to post it. It's a questionnaire I decided to create, using a couple of other ones for ideas. I'll put a blank copy at the end in case you want to fill in your own.

1. How long have you been running? I probably started running consistently at the beginning of 2012, maybe earlier.
2. What’s your favorite distance to run at a time? For some reason, I like 2 miles at a time. But when I get in better shape, I think 4 miles is a great distance.
3. How many times per week do you run? It hasn’t been very consistent lately. I try to include running in every workout, so 3-5 days per week. I did 4 days last week.
4. How far do you run in one week? That also depends. I ran 8 miles last week. I’d say 4-8 miles on average, when not training for a race.
5. What is the longest distance you’ve ever run? 13.1 baby!
6. What’s your average pace per mile? About 10:40. Sometimes slower, depending on hills, wind, energy, etc. But 10:40 on average.
7. Where do you prefer to run? (grass, road, pavement, sand, hills, flat, etc.) I prefer to run on the sidewalk or the road. I like flat surfaces best, and would probably prefer uphill over downhill.
8. What time of day do you have the most energy for running? Mid-day, for sure. Morning runs are always slow for me. Evening runs are fine, but not preferable. Mid-day is best for my energy and pace.
9. What type of runner do you consider yourself to be? (Beginner, intermediate, advanced, competitive) I’d say intermediate. I run regularly but try to have a beginner’s mentality. I still have a lot to learn.
10. What running goals do you currently have? Honestly, I’m just trying to run more regularly and to build my endurance. I’ve been able to go a mile or more at a time without stopping, so that’s nice. I also am doing a 5K on May 10.
11. What’s your favorite pair of running shoes, and why? I’ve only run in Avia or Nike shoes. I want to try Altras, though, to force me to have good form.
12. What’s your favorite pre-run warm-up move? I usually do high knees and butt kicks, dynamic movement in general. I also love hip circles a lot. I do knee circles and high kicks as well.
13. What’s your favorite post-run stretch? The one where you sit down and put your ankle over your knee to stretch your glutes. Holy moly that one is painful.
14. What do you have to take with you on your runs? I have to have my headphones and iPhone for music, plus my arm-band to carry the phone.
15. What did you think of running when you were in grade school? I hated it. Hate, hate, hated it. I couldn’t run even a quarter mile without stopping. My fastest mile in junior high was 9:39. Most of them were 10-11 minute paces.
16. What’s your power song? Titanium.
17. When do you get a burst of energy during a run? (at a certain distance, time, etc.) After mile 2, for sure. I just feel way better than I did the first two miles.
18. Have you ever had any injuries related to running? After running my half in Provo last year, my knees were killing for a couple of weeks. I had a close call and almost rolled my ankle last week, but all is well! No serious injuries for me, yet.
19. What’s your opinion on treadmills? I actually love using the treadmill. It helps me challenge myself in terms of distances and pace. Running outside is harder and more fun though.
20. Why do you run? I love it. I really do. It clears my mind better than anything else. I feel accomplished. It’s one of the most effective calorie burners. I just like to see what my body can do.

1. How long have you been running? 
2. What’s your favorite distance to run at a time?
3. How many times per week do you run?
4. How far do you run in one week?
5. What is the longest distance you’ve ever run?
6. What’s your average pace per mile?
7. Where do you prefer to run? (grass, road, pavement, sand, hills, flat, etc.)
8. What time of day do you have the most energy for running?
9. What type of runner do you consider yourself to be? (Beginner, intermediate, advanced, competitive)
10. What running goals do you currently have?
11. What’s your favorite pair of running shoes, and why?
12. What’s your favorite pre-run warm-up move?
13. What’s your favorite post-run stretch?
14. What do you have to take with you on your runs?
15. What did you think of running when you were in grade school? 
16. What’s your power song? 
17. When do you get a burst of energy during a run? (at a certain distance, time, etc.)
18. Have you ever had any injuries related to running?
19. What’s your opinion on treadmills? 
20. Why do you run? 


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