Workout Wednesday: I'm That Girl

I posted a long time ago about how odd it was to me to have a doctor call me “athletic.” Having never been enrolled in sports, never particularly enjoyed P.E., fallen in the higher categories for BMI, and performed well in school, this was a revelation to me. When he called me that, it was like serious validation for all the physical activity I had been doing for quite some time.

I had a friend invite me to do a half marathon with her, which I ended up doing alone. Still, she invited me.

During training, I would hear from all kinds of people, “Hey, I saw you running the other day.”

Then a friend and fellow blogger referred to me as one of her “fit” friends. What? Really? People see me that way?

And another friend asked me to do a Spartan beast training with her. And she asked me to go to a partner challenge class at her kickboxing place, which I did. And she asked me to consider doing Ragnar, which I passed on.

A high school acquaintance invited me to do a workout event with her while I was home in California this past week.

I admit, I enjoy and indulge in pizza and ice cream way more than anyone should. I think it’s because I don’t fully commit to a healthy lifestyle that I have a hard time seeing myself as being the “fit friend” people think of. But I guess all the evidence shows that I am “that girl.”

And I will embrace the title, however short I may fall in terms of people’s idea of fitness, or my own idea of fitness. Because I do love exercising. I do love pushing myself. I do love to try new physical activities. Exercise is what I do. And I am happy to be that girl that comes to mind when they need a workout partner, or need some kind of support in fitness.

Do you have a workout event, or a “bring a guest to class for free” day? Invite me. I’ll be that girl!


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