My Christmas Haul

I mention every year that I don't know why I make a list of everything I received for Christmas. I know that Christmas isn't about the things. I'd still be a happy girl if I got nothing! I really would. Even just Christmas cards or letters would make me happy. So it's not about listing the number of things or how many material items I got. I guess it's a way to account for everything. Maybe to make sure I make full use of it all and to show I'm grateful for all of it.

Also it makes it easy to do thank you cards. :)

From my parents:
A tri-core pillow for my awful sleeping positions
4 sports bras
2 pair of workout bottoms
A Zumba DVD pack  <3 nbsp="" p="">A mezzaluna chopper
A collapsible salad spinner
A stainless steel serving set
A candy mold
21 Day Sugar Detox
Pajamas that say "I know I'm not perfect but I'm so close it's scary"
2 Victoria's Secret bras
Forever 21 socks
Remember the Titans DVD
Cinderella DVD
Black flats
Scrapbook supplies and album (?)

Stocking stuffers:
A silver necklace that says "daughter, my love for you has no end"
A red phone charger
A shell puzzle and glue
A "no" button
Nail polishes
Two magnets
A gloved ice scraper
Fuzzy socks
Candy (kisses, Dove, M&Ms, Candy Cane kisses, Lindor)
A loofah
Torani caramel syrup
A massager thing
A hot chocolate kit
LED book light

From Patrick:
$40 gift card to Target (for curtains, he says)
A new shower head (it's glorious!)
A jump rope
A braided resistance band
Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown

From Rachel:
Trader Joe's coconut spray oil
Trader Joe's chocolate covered Jojo's
Trader Joe's dark chocolate cookie butter cups
Trader Joe's coconut pancake mix (YES! so excited)
Ghirardelli 60%
People Magazine featuring Chris Hemsworth (oh so lovely)

From my students:
A cute homemade card from Che'anne
A cute homemade card/letter from Bradley
A reusable cup with candy and cocoa from Ilyssa
A $10 Starbucks gift card from Chasiti
Ghirardelli dark chocolate and mint from Griselda
Dove dark chocolate from Amanda

From Work:
A $15 In-N-Out gift card from Randi
Two scented waxes from Tracy

From PTSA:
Cherry Chapstick (for a "chappy" new year..?)

From Carmen (my childhood nanny):
A sewn patch blanket
Three "easy meals" cooking magazines
A Marie Callendar's pancake mix and pan

From my grandpa Gabe:

From my grandpa Mike:

From my roommate Mariah:
A box of hot chocolate mix packs
A box of apple cider mix packs
Two mugs
Cinnamon sticks
$25 gift card to Starbucks (holy moly!)


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