A Birthday, A Move, A 5K, and More

I like to consider myself a consistent blogger. Then I see one post per month or less, and I feel like I'm a failure. Oh well.

Here is a recap of some things that have happened.

In April, we went to California. And Disneyland. And took our first trip to the temple together as a couple to do my mimi's (paternal grandmother) baptism. And we went to a Bees game.

In May, we celebrated Patrick's birthday Avengers style, my parents sent me an edible arrangement, Patrick's nephew was born, we got engaged, we house shopped, I picked a wedding dress (no picture here!), I ran a half marathon, I moved to my roommate's townhome, we went to another Bees game, and I ran a 5K with an awesome third grader.

He put the balloons on the ceiling.

Bees game with friends

Girls on the Run event with Reagan

Roses at my roommate's townhome
And so far in June... We tried The Chocolate (OMG why didn't anyone tell me about this sooner?!), we went to Ruth's Diner for the first time, I went to the food truck roundup with Randi, I went to This is the Place with my grandma and aunts, we went to another Bees game, we got waffles, we played in Park City, we took engagement pictures, we tried the Q4U food truck, and we saw Ingrid Michaelson!

And that puts us current. If I were actually good at keeping a journal, I wouldn't care so much about updating my blog. I need to be good at at least ONE of these. Ay caramba.


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