29th Birthday

It occurred to me that this is the birthday everyone says they're turning for the rest of their lives. So I guess I have to make it a pretty awesome one. I think the festivities this year got me off to a pretty good start. Not to mention pursuing Beachbody (maybe a future post about this) and personal training.

Sunday evening was the Superbowl. I wasn't super enthused about doing my birthday that evening. If it had been up to me, I probably would've planned a more low-key one with fewer people. But my grandma and mom did a fantastic job. My aunt April and mom made all the fixings for Cafe Rio salads that were soooooo yummy. I had entirely too much food.

They also made me a red velvet heart-shaped cake. I got lots of presents--lots more than I would expect at almost 30 years old. But I guess when you have a four page long wish list on Amazon, moms and grandmas have a lot of options.

My mom got me four movies: Before Midnight, Armageddon, To Rome with Love, and the Meet the Fockers triple pack. She got me peanut butter M+Ms and a funky little notebook. She got me a Bluetooth speaker for the shower, a red velvet bundtlet from Nothing Bundt Cakes. and a shirt that says, "You're killing me smalls." I went to exchange it for a smaller one, but they were all out :( Mom also got me a cool Nike workout headband.

My aunt Jess and uncle Dave got me a yummy smelling candle.

My grandma got me some workout bottoms and made me a beautiful blessing jar. She also gave me some dinero.

My aunt Amy got me a small box of Rocky Mountain Chocolate.

And that was all just on Sunday. It was great. Here are some pics...

My generous and awesome coworker Brittany brought me a birthday card and a gift card to Firehouse Subs at the beginning of the week.

Monday and Tuesday nights were super long because I had parent teacher conferences. Monday I went after work to Draper to pick up some vanilla Shakeology packets. I came home and worked out. I showered, and I went to get a Cold Stone ice cream for my birthday.

Tuesday was the same, except I came home and worked out and then went to Corner Bakery for a free birthday treat.

First thing on Wednesday morning I woke up to my condo being decorated by my awesome roommates. Brittany also got me a sugar cookie from Smart Cookie.

On my actual birthday at school, I got a bunch of gifts from students that included two teddy bears, Milky Way Midnight, Coke Zero, a mini heart box of chocolates, thin mints, mint patties, and lots of cards and notes.

One of my classes sang to me.

My dad had roses delivered to my work, but sadly they didn't get there until 15 minutes after I left. I was so impressed with his research and effort to do such a sweet thing for me. They were waiting for me in my room the next morning though!

That evening I ran 5 miles on the treadmill with a great time (9:33 minute mile average). It was super hard since I haven't run that far since Thanksgiving. But I wanted to prove to myself I could, and show myself what my 29 year old body could do. After showering and getting ready, I went to Pizza Studio for dinner with Rachel where my pizza was surprisingly free! We also saw Hail, Caesar (and I ate popcorn) and got Baskin Robbins afterward for my free kids scoop.

I got several phone calls (thanks everyone!). And I got a lot of cards, including money from my grandpa, and gift cards from my brother Jason and my nanny Carmen.

Thursday was equally long. I got home from work, changed into workout clothes, went to kickboxing with Kristen, showered, made a Shakeology, and went to institute. Joyce and I got waffles after that.

Friday I had the day off because of conferences. I went to BodyPump. I visited Rachel at her work where she made me a ham, egg, and cheese croissant and gave me a cookie. She works at the cutest place. Then I got a free item at RC Willey. I went to Gordman's to exchange my shirt but couldn't find it so I got four shirts and paid the difference. :) I checked my mail and got a birthday card and a package for reaching Emerald from my coaches Robb and Chelsea.

I took down the decorations from my birthday. I wrote a lot of thank you cards. I posted my TV for sale and got a bunch of texts on it throughout the evening and next day. I watched a Jen Sincero podcast that was my reward for hitting Success Club 5 in January. I went to the mall to get $10 off at Victoria's Secret ($.54 for a pair of underwear woohoo!) and a free travel size lotion at Bath & Body Works.

I got ready super quick, and then Joyce and I headed over to Brick Oven for my birthday dinner with my people!

Kristen brought me Nothing Bundt Cakes! Nom nom. Julie gave me a gift card to Cinemark (that's what's up, Julie!). Cara gave me a gift card for Starbucks. Rachel gave me an Alex & Ani bracelet, and it's the cutest! Kirsty gave me a card with a redemption for a sushi meal (woohoo!). My roommate Joyce got me something on Amazon that will get here soon. My roommate Brittany gave me some money and some chocolate covered Oreos from Rocky Mountain Chocolate. I don't hold these dinners for presents though. Those are just bonuses of getting to see my favorite people!

Saturday I slept in. I ran two miles and did a P90 workout on Beachbody On Demand. I bought a Costco deal, and we went to Costco, did some shopping, and ate their delicious cheap unhealthy food. After that, I made some sugar cookies. Joyce took my car and got it washed for me! We went to Redbox for The Martian, went to Wal-Mart for a few things, and got some movie theater popcorn. We watched The Martian on Saturday night.

Sunday was a normal day. We went to church. I spent lots of hours studying afterward and took my personal training midterm. I didn't do very well on it (35/50), so I cried. I made dinner. We watched Walking Dead (twice!), and Talking Dead. I also did my first personal training plan for Emily.

This morning I didn't sleep so well. I got up and went to BodyPump and CXWorx. I ran a mile and did the elliptical. I did lesson plans. Joyce and I went to sushi for lunch. Then I came home and got ready for the session with Emily. It went until about 3:30. It went well! I am sure I have a long way to go. But I read even more for my next unit today and basically confirmed I did everything right in making her plan, so that was comforting and reassuring. I picked up Alli from the airport and took her home, then Joyce and I got some In-N-Out (I just had fries and she just had a burger). And that brings me up to speed.

This week has been absolutely insane. Like I haven't had a minute to breathe or relax. As an introvert, all the busyness has me pretty exhausted, even though a lot of it was fun and for my birthday celebrations. It's been a lot of awesomeness and craziness packed into a little amount of time. I'm so grateful for so many good people in my life who care about my existence and make sure to let me know.

For my 29th year, I want to do big things and take some big chances. Maybe 29 will bring me some courage and some hope.


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