Flexible Dieting Part 1: 7 Breakfast Ideas

I have a lot of friends trying out flexible dieting right now. Since I've been doing this for over a year, I've become pretty good at hitting certain macro goals, especially for each meal. It's been on my heart to make people's lives easier with the things it took me a long time to learn.

I plan on making this a three part series, with my favorite breakfasts, lunches or snacks, and dinners.

I am NOT a meal prepper. I chose flexible dieting because I don't want to eat brown rice, chicken, and broccoli from Tupperware every day, thankyouverymuch. I do minimal work ahead of time because I like to have variety (and simplicity) in my meals. These meals work for my lifestyle and the amount of time I have to prepare. I've compiled this list to help those who might want to add some variety to their meals and keep them within a certain range of macronutrients.

A few disclaimers/tips/notes:
- I try to spread my protein throughout the day via meals and snacks, as I've read that the body can only use and process so much protein at a time.
- If I want bacon in the morning, I put it on a foiled pan in a cold oven, set it to 400 degrees, and set the timer for 20+ minutes. It's done by the time I'm ready to eat.
- I make overnight oats the night before
- I rarely make biggest loser pancakes but thoroughly enjoy them
- I have a collection of protein pancake recipes (many of them using Kodiak protein packed mix)
- This is not a complete or thorough list of everything I eat for breakfast (I enjoy McDonald's egg white delight with a half a protein shake, or a bacon & gouda from Starbucks with a protein shake from time to time)
- Sometimes I opt for lower carb breakfasts to save my carbs for later
- I've tried to estimate colored container counts for the 21 Day Fix

Without further ado, here is a list of 7 of my frequently eaten breakfasts, complete with calorie and macro counts. I sure hope this helps somebody! If it does, please comment. This was kind of a lot of work and don't want to bother if it helps nobody.

Egg Sandwich
1 thinwich
1 egg
6 tbsp egg whites
1 slice cheese (American or Swiss)
2-3 slices Canadian Bacon (Jones Dairy Farm)
320 cal: 23C/12F/32P
(1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 red)

Overnight Oats
1/3 cup old fashioned oats
1 scoop protein powder
½ cup almond milk
¼ cup plain Greek yogurt
Stevia to taste
Add additional toppings/mix-ins the next morning.
I like chocolate chips, coconut, or nuts for fat and staying power.
270 cal: 24C/4F/34P
(1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 red)

½ cup egg whites
½ cup unsweetened almond milk
¼ cup water
Ice cubes
1 scoop Shakeology (chocolate or Café Latte)
½ - 1 tbsp peanut butter
327 cal: 22C/12F/33P
(1 yellow, 1 red, 1 blue or 2 orange)

Biggest Loser Pancakes
6 egg whites
1 cup rolled oats, dry
1 cup cottage cheese
2 tsp stevia
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
(makes 10-12 pancakes, ¼ cup batter is 1 pancake)
I use Walden Farms syrup if I don’t want more carbs.
Add fat via butter or coconut oil.
For half the recipe:
321 cal: 28C/5F/34P
(1 yellow, 1 red, 1 orange)

Mixed Breakfast 1
½ cup plain Greek yogurt
130 grams strawberry slices
1 egg
6 tbsp egg whites
2 slices center cut bacon
278 cal: 15C/9F/32P
(1/2 yellow, 1 blue, 1 red)

Mixed Breakfast 2
Dannon Oikos Triple Zero yogurt (strawberry or coconut cream)
1.5 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut
½ cup egg whites
237 cal: 17C/5F/28P
(add fruit for more carbs or an egg for more fat)
(1/2 yellow, 1 red, 1 orange)

Mixed Breakfast 3
1 cup almond milk
1 scoop whey protein
1 raised, frosted donut
340 cal: 28C/13F/28P
(1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 red)


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