31st Birthday

The day of my actual birthday was one of the best days I had had in a long time.

I did all my cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping on Friday night so as to have the day off from adulting.

I woke up, took a picture of my legs, and had my last mandatory cup of warm lemon water. I followed that up with some vanilla spice tea with cinnamon, stevia, and almond milk.

I ran five miles. It felt easy. The snow got in my face and eyes, and the wind pushed against me no matter what direction I was going. But my body did not struggle with the run.

I followed my run with my cardio flow workout on 80 Day Obsession.

I showered and prepared a long Facebook post while I got ready to go to breakfast. As I was rushing out the door, I made a plant based protein shake for myself.

Brittney and I pulled up to Pulp Lifestyle Kitchen at the same time. Kristen and Julie were in the car waiting. Then Laura Turley came. Then Kathryn, and then Rachel.

I love all these ladies so much and am so grateful they gave me an hour of their day.

Rachel asked if we should all share some affirmations—things they love about me or about being friends with me. It was so special and lovely. It meant so much.

Rachel said we’ve been friends for 12 years, and she’s seen me in a lot of different situations. Her favorite thing about our friendship is that even if we don’t talk or see each other that often, she knows I am always there for her. She mentioned my thoughtfulness, and how I just randomly brought her a cactus plant one time. She said how I just do what I want and that I don’t let anyone tell me what to do.

Laura seconded my thoughtfulness, saying how one time I had brought hyer a “get well kit” as her visiting teacher. She loves how I am so great at managing lots of things, and reminded her about our visiting teachee Kaitlyn’s birthday. She said being more thoughtful is something she aspires to.

Julie went next and said she admires that I overcome anything that is put in my way. Whether I chose to take on something like a race, or it’s work or my family, I choose to tackle things head on. She loves my attitude and how I won’t be defeated. I think Kristen chimed in with the word “enduring.”

Brittney didn’t want to say anything because she was getting too emotional.

Kristen went next and said that when she thinks of me, she thinks of empathy. She got emotional also and said that anything she talks to me about something that is bothering her or that she is experiencing, she knows that I understand without her even needing to explain it.

Kathryn went next and was also very emotional. She explained how she met me teaching, and she always respected what I did in my classroom and how I managed my students. She said she had students tell her what they had learned in my class on a number of occasions. The biggest thing she said was when I brought big health changes into her life. She said I've rchanged her life and that she wouldn’t be where she is today without me. Bless her. She cried. I cried.

Breakfast was also so good! I got the skinny jeans as a scramble without the wheat wrap. It was yummy. Laura got the same as me. Kristen got the Pan-a-cea which are coconut quinoa pancakes. Rachel just got some almond milk. Kathryn got some kind of egg scramble with fruit and sausage stuff on the side. Julie and Brittney both got the Skinny Jeans also, as a wrap. I just love Pulp. It’s so reasonably priced and such light, good food.

I deposited my birthday money at the bank and took a movie back to Redbox, then checked the mail. I got my Power Greens from Beachbody, my “I am enough” rings for me and Brittney, a package from Allyn, and my Kitchen Aid ice cream maker was waiting on my doorstep. Such a good day.

Carmen called me, and we chatted for ten minutes. Other phone calls came from Brittney, Jon Hiller, and my brother.

Mom and grandma came over and did an Instagram live video of me opening presents.

Grandpa Gabe: sent a card and $50
Grandpa Mike: sent a card and $25
Carmen: sent a card and $10 for Kohl’s
Claire: Core Life eatery gift card
Allyn: aged vanilla
Kathryn: neutral lip balm, wrist cuff, Harry Potter book marks
Brittney: Firehouse gift card, workout outfit
Julie and Kristen: Fandango gift card
Kelsey: Balloons and Waffle Love gift cards
Ashleigh: Sprouts gift card
Patrick: vinyl album, bath salts, Pop socket and mount, dinner at Sawadee
Grandma: flowers, candle, workout bottoms, hoodie, Epsom salts
Mom: clipboards, B map, glasses case, nail polish, plum lip balm, socks, shell jar, juice glass with measuring spoons
Dad: Groot Chia, scarf, new dishes

Kelsey came over. She brought me balloons and a Waffle Love gift card. We went to Costa Vida, where I accidentally got rice instead of beans, and tried to pick the tortilla strips off my salad. But it was really good!

I opened those and then read my letter from my dad, which was really special. I went to Sawadee for dinner. I had coconut soup and shared green curry. I won a giveaway from Sweet Chimneys, and a drink from Thirst. I had a Biscoff and Heath chimney. I did not feel good after I ate that. It was a lot for my body to do after six weeks of nothing like that.

I started my Groot Chia pet, which is sprouting little green leaves now.

During the week, my friend Jon stopped at my work to bring me presents from my Amazon wish list: an oil diffuser and a new purse! I was so grateful and excited. Those things were at the top of my list.

On the 17th, we did my sushi dinner at Itto. Chelsea from my cleanse group came with me after I trained her. Kristine showed up next, then Kelsey. Kristen and Julie came. Rachel thought dinner was at 7, so she came a little late. Dinner was so good. Again I was just filled with gratitude that people would give up their time on a Saturday night to hang out with me. As I get older I realize time is the most valuable thing people can give. People have things to do and places to be, so when they give you their time (which they'll never get back), they're giving you the greatest gift.

Everyone else had to head home, but Chelsea, Rachel, and I went to Draper for dessert at The Last Course. Oh my. I sampled a few gelatos. The salted caramel was good, the pear and blue cheese, and the maple bacon. The pear one would be good in the summer. I got the Foster's Banana Tacos. Rachel got the limited time vanilla lava cake, and Chelsea got the German Chocolate Cake. So good. We had great conversation, and were interrupted by the ladies at our table who overheard us and wanted to thank us for the discussion we were having. I don't want to go into detail here, but it was a really special, cool moment.

On the 18th, Rachel brought me over my cake that she made for me. It was so beautiful and so good. It had layers of chocolate cake with a layer of chocolate buttercream and layers of coconut buttercream. Amazing.

The 18th was my family birthday dinner. My mom made chicken and dumplings. My grandma made me a chocolate lovers' bundt cake, and made a German chocolate cake and funfetti cake for the kids. The food was so good, of course.

My grandma got me a few MORE presents to add to the previous weekend. She's too much. She got me a mini fondue set with melting wafers and a big container of strawberries, plus a bag of coffee M&Ms. My uncle Dave and aunt Jess got me some peppermint body scrub. My aunt April and uncle Tyler got me some essential oil body scrub and lotion.

Anyway, this birthday was so good. I am blessed with really great people in my life. I'm still figuring things out, but overall I am happy and always working for more of that.


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