Favorite Things

A couple of months ago, I decided to have a half birthday party, and it would be a Favorite Things party. I had seen some friends do these, and then finally participated in one with my Relief Society a while back. It was so fun!

So I set up a favorite things party with my favorite people.

The rules were to bring two of your favorite thing. For example, if you love "Lots o Lashes Mascara" from Maybelline, you'd bring two of those. Or if you love Swig, you could bring two gift cards for Swig, etc.

The other part of the requirements were to bring your favorite treat.

I made Swig cookies from a mix, and brought two Cinemark movie tickets.

Joyce brought a bag of mini Snickers and two of her favorite natural deodorants (Schmidt's).

Kathryn brought a bowl of strawberries and two mini notebooks.

Brittney brought eclairs and foot cream with nail polish (because pedicures are her favorite).

Kristine brought lemon poppyseed muffins, and two separate things: pancake mix/syrup, and Harmon's brownies.

Kristen brought Crumbl cookies and two jars of Adams peanut butter.

Julie brought Wheat Thins with cheese balls, and two mini boxes of See's.

Chelsea brought popcorn and cheddar/sour cream Ruffles, and two Hokulia shaved ice gift cards.

Laura brought gluten free crackers, and a triple combo of her favorite treats: Smash mallows, gummies, and peanut butter cups.

Karlie brought two separate things: Korean black head treatment, and designer socks.

I put on Thor Ragnarok, because Thor is also one of my favorite things. And with a crowd of some introverts, having a movie to watch is always a good, safe backup.

Everyone mingled awesomely and walked away with things they were excited about. Chelsea, Kathryn, and Joyce lingered a little longer while we chatted some more, which was nice. I always love an extended conversation.

I wish I had gotten some pictures, but I didn't. I guess we'll just have to keep the memories. Oh, and I ended up with a deodorant and the Hokulia gift card, which I traded Kristen for See's candy because we'd both be more likely to use the opposite of what we got. :) I've used the deodorant for two days and love it!


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