February in Review

Holy wow. February was insane in ALL the best ways. Where January failed, February made up for it tenfold. On February 2, I went with Joyce to see a Sundance film because her sister was a volunteer and gave us some tickets. The first movie we waited for, our spots in line were super far apart. So Joyce would’ve gotten in, but not me. So we bailed and went and got dinner at Red Iguana. Then her sister texted that we could try for the next movie, which was called Blinded by the Light. It was SO good. We both loved it. It was about a Pakistani kid in England who wants to leave his hometown for bigger things, and is at odds with his traditional dad’s expectations versus what he wants to do with his life. He discovers the music of Bruce Springsteen, who is able to answer all of his life questions. It was funny and charming. On February 4, I had a Yelp event. I took Kristine with me to Blaze Pizza in Taylorsville, where we got a free pizza, ...