February in Review

Holy wow.

February was insane in ALL the best ways. Where January failed, February made up for it tenfold.

On February 2, I went with Joyce to see a Sundance film because her sister was a volunteer and gave us some tickets. The first movie we waited for, our spots in line were super far apart. So Joyce would’ve gotten in, but not me.

 So we bailed and went and got dinner at Red Iguana. Then her sister texted that we could try for the next movie, which was called Blinded by the Light. It was SO good. We both loved it. It was about a Pakistani kid in England who wants to leave his hometown for bigger things, and is at odds with his traditional dad’s expectations versus what he wants to do with his life. He discovers the music of Bruce Springsteen, who is able to answer all of his life questions. It was funny and charming.

On February 4, I had a Yelp event. I took Kristine with me to Blaze Pizza in Taylorsville, where we got a free pizza, garlic knots, salad, and cookie. Then we got to go behind the counter to make our own. Sadly, I didn’t end up eating the pizza I made. I feel bad wasting food, but I just have a hard time fitting pizza into my calories.

On February 6 we had snowpocalypse. I worked from home and actually found it both relaxing and highly productive. I had obtained tickets for a screening of Alita at Megaplex Jordan Commons that evening. And I had invited Matthew to come with me, but he lives in Bountiful. I fully expected he wouldn’t come because the roads were so bad. He still came! And he made it in time. I thought the movie was alright. I didn’t know it was going to be 3D, so we looked real cute in our two pairs of glasses in the second row. *eye roll*

But, he liked the movie. And I’m happy to report it was the start of something good.

On February 7, we were supposed to get Settebello and see a screening of Isn’t it Romantic for free at the Gateway theater, but I had a meeting go super late that night. I left at 7pm, and the meeting continued until 8:30! Thankfully, Matthew was really flexible and just pushed dinner back and back until after my meeting. He picked me up from work, and we went to Settebello. As we walked in, he rearranged so that he could be on the outside of the sidewalk closer to the street, which is a small gesture I really appreciate. My pizza was amazing, and the conversation was really good and really easy. After dinner, we walked in the super freezing cold back to the car, and he opened the door for me. Another small gesture I really appreciate, and one that he has since repeated.

We sat in his car and talked for something like three hours. I didn’t leave downtown until 11pm. We talked freely and openly, about anything and everything. Nothing was difficult or awkward about it. He said some things that made me ask him, “Where have you been my whole life?” And a month later I am still asking that question. He told me that night that he’d help me change my brake light in my car, which meant I’d see him again soon.

On February 8, he came over, and we watched The Nutcracker and the Four Realms movie on my couch.

On February 9, I made cupcakes for my birthday party, but they didn’t get eaten by any of my friends! I already did a birthday blog, so I won’t bother recapping that evening.

My birthday was really good. I was able to use a lot of birthday freebies during the month, though not all of them. I got cards from my grandpas, one of them was late. But better late than never! I will say that when I posted on my birthday blog that I was on the phone for two hours in the morning on my birthday, it was with Matthew. And that’s not the only lengthy phone conversation we have had. He’s also the boy who brought me Nuts & Chews, fixed my tail light, and went with me to my grandma’s house on my birthday.

On February 12, he called to ask me on a “real date,” because he insisted this needed to be done the right way over the phone. So we made plans for Valentine’s Day, which I had secretly been hoping for.

On February 13, I went to Waffle Love by myself, but when I walked in, my friend Kristine and her stepson were there! It was such a fun unexpected little surprise visit.

The only thing better than waffles is waffles with friends.

Also on February 13, I made sugar cookies. Like, rolled them, baked them, and made frosting for them, with sprinkles. Plus I picked up some of Matthew’s favorite snacks and treats at the store. If you don’t buy boys flowers, I guess you buy them food.

Valentine’s Day was pretty great. We had some road bumps. The place where Matthew had made reservations called to cancel on him. Since he was out doing some necessary things, I went ahead and made an early reservation at Buca di Beppo. I was going to leave work early but got held up and left a little later than I wanted to. And traffic heading southbound was like nothing I had ever experienced in six months working downtown. I was so annoyed. I called Buca and asked if I needed to cancel our reservation because we were definitely going to be late.

Matthew was awesome about the whole thing and wasn’t deterred by my frustration. He said we could find another place to eat, or we could meet there. He knew I wanted to go home and change and freshen up a little bit, so he said it was up to me, he just wanted me to be comfortable. I decided to go home and fix myself up, and we were 30 minutes late to Buca. They still seated us! It was awesome. It helps to have an optimist as your date. He showed up with flowers by the way. (Chocolates and flowers in the same week: major points.)

After Buca, we drove to Sugar House where we got dessert at Docetti Gelato. It was so smooth and delicious. I got Sweet Cream and pistachio flavors. I can’t remember what Matthew got except that it was super sweet and kind of tasted like a snickerdoodle.

We finished the evening with a movie from my limited romantic selection of DVDs: Hitch. That movie makes me laugh.

On February 15, we used my free pizza at Pizza Studio. Matthew liked it better than Settebello (what?!).

Work was a pretty terrible nightmare for a couple of weeks in February, maybe even more so for people besides me. I did my very best to have a good “head down, get it done” attitude, and keep my head above water. But it was challenging.

On February 16, I had the awesome opportunity to teach basic meal prep ideas at a women’s church event for my friend in Bountiful. I was last, and the other presenters had gone over, so I was super pressed for time. A few ladies had to leave during my thing. But it was still fun! I love teaching.

February 17, I was supposed to teach Sunday school. I prepared a lesson and everything. My mom, grandma, and I got breakfast at Black Bear Diner beforehand. Not knowing how busy it would be in the morning on a Sunday, I had them show up super early. They weren’t happy with me about that, especially because Black Bear was NOT busy. They did get rushed when we left, though. I guess that’s good.

But we got out of there too early to have them go straight to church with me. So they went back home. That ended up being a good thing, since I got to church and saw that it was ward conference, and that I was in fact, not teaching.

On February 19, it was $5 Tuesday. So we went and saw Isn’t it Romantic, which we both enjoyed. It was really funny. I’d watch it again.

On February 20, I went to Waffle Love once again. It’s a Wednesday thing, you guys.

On February 21, we went to a free screening of Five Feet Apart at the District. We also got dinner at the new Mo Bettah’s before that, and it was his first time eating there. He liked it! The movie was really good, actually, and I loved the soundtrack. All the songs were so good and so well placed.

On February 23, we went to the movies and saw How to Train Your Dragon 3. Then we went to Texas Roadhouse for my treat meal. Again, the food was great, and the conversation was better. I love the challenging and thoughtful questions Matthew asks me. It’s really different than what I’m used to.

On February 24, I did yoga and went on a walk and listened to a podcast. I just tried to have a low-key day.

On February 25, Matthew and I met Brittney and her man at The Chocolate. I wish I had gotten some selfies of us. I love that girl. I had the Kitty Katrina cake, Matthew had funfetti, and Britt and Tyler shared a cazookie.

That morning though, I woke up with a weird thing where my ears were hurting when I’d swallow. I tried to get ahead of it with Emergen-C and ibuprofen. It didn’t help.

On February 26, Matthew and I went to Even Stevens downtown for dinner, where it was still awful for me to swallow food. After dinner, we went to the Joshua Radin concert. Lily Kershaw and Lissie opened for Josh. The show was so good. Matthew enjoyed it but struggled the whole time with not feeling well. We were quite the pair of old folks. But it was still fun!

The whole last week of February was just really busy at work, and I was still battling the ear thing.

On Wednesday, February 27, since I was emotional and stressed and dealing with an infection, cute Matthew went and bought some lilies (my favorite) to bring to me. Just because. They’ve almost all opened up now and are so beautiful! He got me pink/white ones and orange ones. And they smell so, so good!

Thursday, February 28, I finally went to urgent care. I had called my doctor on Wednesday, and they basically said they couldn't help me. Urgent care downtown was GREAT. I was in and back out in minutes, and walked away with my prescription. I felt better almost immediately. By Saturday, my ears felt so much better! I'm still finishing that antibiotic bottle. 

Friday, March 1 was our investor conference for work, which was an unpredictable but good day. I was just so thankful to have that week over with.

And now I’ve got a whole new set of challenges at work and big projects coming up.

But the best thing about this week (and I know this is a February recap but so what? I do what I want) is that on Sunday, March 3, I was asked to be this cute guy’s girlfriend.

And so we continue to eat and talk and learn about each other. And maybe kiss a little bit too.

I will say that all of this was super unexpected. The timing of it is strange. It happened really quick after my breakup on January 22. That sort of complicated things in the beginning for me—not fully healing from that situation before exploring something new. Feeling sad about one thing but excited about a new thing was strange. 

But in only one month this boy has filled in gaps that I had expected would remain empty. And he does it without even really trying. It feels familiar and comfortable, but still exciting, and the best part is that it’s real. It’s really happening (?!). It’s funny how none of it feels like work, and I don’t have to make any kind of justification or explanation to anyone I know for any reason at all. I know it’s early, but everything he says and does just seems to come easily and naturally—like this is who he is. Obviously, I’m still exploring what that means, but so far it’s pretty magical, and it would be a shame not to document it. 

Let's see what March has in store. 


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