March in Review

I really like doing these monthly review posts. It ensures at least 12 posts each year, and it helps me see how good my life is.

On March 1, I had my first visit to the Grand America Hotel for our investor conference at work.

On March 2, Matthew and I saw Lego Movie 2. He worked that night, but I watched Unbreakable for the first time so that I could see Glass and have everything make sense.

I mentioned March 3 last month, but I went to a family event with Matthew. And he asked me to be his girlfriend that day. So that was exciting.

We went to Waffle Love on March 6.

On March 9, we saw Captain Marvel. I liked it. But I liked Wonder Woman way better. Still, I continue to be amazed by how refreshing it is to see powerful women on the big screen. We also went to Cheesecake Factory that night. It was something like a two hour wait. Out of control.

March 10 was awesome because we went to Matthew's brother and sister-in-law's house for dinner. Matthew's family has always done catering--so they're a cooking family. And his SIL published a cookbook. Dinner was steak with a bearnaise sauce, garlic mashed potatoes, and Caesar salad. Whitney made an amazing peanut butter chocolate cake for her son's birthday. All of the food was ah-mazing. It was fun to sit and chat with them for a couple of hours.

On March 12, we went to Les Madeleines for lunch. It was good, but I'd try something else next time.

That night, a young lady came to look at the middle bedroom in my condo because Ashleigh is moving out. She is quiet and not a party animal, answered all my questions via email, and took the Color Code test. After all that, Claire and I deemed her an acceptable roommate, and she'll move in sometime next week.

On March 14 (pi day), Matthew and I went to Pizza Studio. I also took him to a Jazz game. The seats weren't great, but he had box seats for a game that he didn't use because he thought it was on a different night. So since he was so sad about it, I went ahead and bought him some tickets.

March 15 was Kristen's birthday dinner at Su Casa.

After dinner, I went and picked up a bunch of soft foods for Matthew because he had dental work done that day. I surprised him, and he was super out of it.

On March 16, we drove up to northeast Salt Lake to look at all the awesome houses on Harvard and Yale Avenue. It was fun. We went to Red Robin for dinner and probably won't be doing that again anytime soon. We also went to the Last Course, where I had a slice of Biscoff Cake and some ice cream. We went in the hot tub that night, which I don't recommend after over eating.

March 17, we took a small adventure to Thistle, Utah, to see a town that was flooded and abandoned when a dam broke.

March 18, Matthew and I went on a date to Sawadee and Gourmandise. We spent a good chunk of time sitting and talking in the car about anything and everything, as we often seem to do. I think my favorite thing about our relationship is how easily we talk.

March 21, we went to Mo Bettah's and went to the hot tub where we were treated to two teenage boys singing along to Josh Groban. If you were wondering how we kept from giggling, the answer is, "with considerable effort."

March 22 was fun because we walked to a new place for lunch called Robin's Nest. My coworkers speak very highly of it, so I wanted to try it. It did NOT disappoint. Funny enough, four of my colleagues walked in while we were eating.

March 23, we went to the movies and saw Us, and went to Itto Sushi. Matthew worked that night, so I ate my Crumbl cookie and watched What If again. I love that movie.

On March 25, I went and saw Glass at the dollar theater by myself. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Shyamalan is always hit and miss for me, but I loved Split and Unbreakable too!

March 27, I got a massage. I love my monthly massage. It is glorious. That night, Matthew unexpectedly had to work, but it's OK because Kristen, Julie, and Kathryn all were able to come to Waffle Love that evening.

March 29 was interesting. We went to Koodegras for the first time. It's a CBD shop, and I've been curious about it since it opened. It was TINY inside. I ended up only getting a bath bomb. Everything was super pricey. But they were so nice and helpful! We got Little Caesar, which was a bloody disaster. They're a mess over there. Insanely unorganized.

This past Saturday was a fun day. I was up really early, which was helpful because I was able to get all my regular cleaning done before heading to a 5K in Murray. It was to fight bullying in schools, and Brittney, her office mate Emma, and Brandy and her daughter came. It was fun!

After that, I got groceries, came home, showered, and headed to my friend Sunya's house for a housewarming party. I only stopped by for a few minutes. Matthew and I had a movie planned at 2:30. We saw Dumbo. I really liked it. We went to Slapfish for dinner, then Matthew had to work. So I went to Barnes & Noble, Wal-Mart, and Cold Stone. I used my TENS unit for the first time. It's way easier than I expected.

Yesterday was a great way to end the month. Shivani and her family were in town for her nephew's baptism, so we got breakfast at Ruth's at 9am, and went to Hogle Zoo after that.

I took a short nap. Matthew came over, and I made us dinner pretty late--grilled chicken, potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli, and watermelon.

In March, I read
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** by Mark Manson (listened on audiobook)
- Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling (audiobook)
- Inheritance by Dani Shapiro (audiobook)

And I'm almost done with A Man Called Ove. I'm LOVING it so much I had to go buy a hard copy that I could mark up. The digital version is nice for reading on my phone or Amazon Fire or even on the cloud on a browser. But I needed to own this one.

Today is April Fool's Day, and I haven't been pranked today nor done any pranking.

I feel like March was a pretty low-key month, and April may end up pretty crazy. I am taking a three day trading class, which overlaps at the same time as FitCon, and starts the same day Matthew has knee surgery. On April 27, we are going to the Dough Show, which is where a bunch of Utah donut shops are coming together for a delicious feast. I'm pretty thrilled. And our first Bees' game is April 29! Woohoo baseball!

Spring is my favorite season! I hope to make lots of sunshiny memories in the next few months.


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