A Bike Crash

Oh hello. I crashed on a bike. It hurt. That's the short version. If you want to read the long version, proceed. On Wednesday, we had a company retreat scheduled at the boss's cabin up at Wolf Creek Ranch . If you'll recall, I was also up there at Christmastime, doing something else really uncomfortable (snow mobiling). Thinking of trying that out was enough to give me a panic attack. So that happened. But it was really fun, thanks to Aaron's patience in riding me and Kellie around. This time was going to be more new things: mountain biking and horse back riding. Guys, I don't know the last time I actually rode a bicycle. Like, I genuinely have no idea. Maybe 12? This though... this was an electric bike--to help propel you up the mountains. That also means it is super heavy. I didn't take the time to get the same tutorial as Kellie did from our local expert, Rick. He went over all the things with her, and I should've been right up there in their...