Little Things

Breaking the monthly pace with this mid-month post just to record for my future self a reminder of how important the little things are.

Yesterday, I went to Starbucks. I go on Tuesday and Thursday. I very much look forward to it, as we do most rituals, right? I waited over ten minutes before finally asking (because they weren't going to) where my drink was. The decaf machine had broken.

"Would regular shots be OK?"

No genius. If regular shots would be OK, then that's how I would've ordered it. If you want to pay for my temporary coma induction while my body endures the tinnitus that follows caffeine consumption, sure, you can give me regular shots.

"No, I can't have caffeine. Can I get a refund?" (really though, dude, I actually physically cannot have it or I suffer; don't judge me.)

I walked back to work and texted Matthew that the decaf machine at Starbucks was broken. #firstworldproblems. I honestly was OK. I was just going to go back to work and make a Pero drink. Save some dollars and calories.

His immediate response was, "What a bunch of idiots. Babe send me your order and I'll bring you one."

... what? Who is this human?

I literally had no thought of asking him to bring me a drink. I don't like putting people out at all, and I was just fine going back to work.

But hey, if he was offering and had the time...

Within an hour, he arrived with my drink (which they used cow's milk, not coconut milk in, but oh well).

Also yesterday, my blasted curtain rod fell down for the 53rd time in the last month. In my defense, the middle anchor came off a while back, and I haven't been able to find it, so the whole rod and heavy curtains are being held up by only two Command strips instead of three.

Matthew said he'd fix it this weekend, that we'd get new Command strips and it would stop falling.

Being the drama queen that I am, I told Matthew that I cannot sleep without curtains.

This man proceeded to stick push pins in my wall to hold up curtains until we can find a real solution this weekend. It was a pain, and he stuck himself a few times. And he wasn't bratty or mean about any of it--not even frustrated with me for being demanding. You know those, "*sigh* Fine, I'll fix it," type of actions? You know exactly how it sounds, right? He didn't sound like that. Not even a little bit annoyed.

On top of both of these small acts of service, there was a third. I had sold plasma earlier in the evening, and had made the mistake of saving calories for a treat. It's not the smartest path, especially in a calorie deficit. But when we walked into my condo, I got hit with a wave of dizziness and almost fell over. I was holding myself up with the refrigerator.

He noticed and asked if I was OK. I was fine a few moments later, but he told me to go sit down. I said, "I have to put the potatoes away." He said, "I'll do it. Go sit down now."

Matthew proceeded to use one of my many lunch meat containers to put away the potatoes, and also did the dishes while I sat on the couch. Same story. This was all done without any complaint or frustration.

Bringing me a drink I didn't really need, re-hanging my curtains, and putting away food are all really small things. But I noticed, and I especially noticed his demeanor and attitude while doing those things.

I'm not entirely sure why no one has snatched this one up, but I'm happy he's mine.

Even if he does take ridiculous pictures.


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