A Good Day

In an effort to recognize the hand of the Lord in my life, I'm going to write this blog.

Things were a bit rough the last week or two, especially Saturday, where I seemed to have reached my limit. I bombed my Spanish Praxis (which I studied for for over a month), had a traumatic dream, and went to get Red Mango after work, where they told me that their Original flavor machine was broken. Fantastic.

I made an effort to really set things right on Sunday and was immediately blessed for my efforts, so I need to share them. These might seem like insignificant little things, but they matter to me, and they've made my day great, so I should share.

I received a calling I am very excited about. More on this later. But I really am excited and so humbled!

I did really well on my written dance final today. I already know the future. It says, "A." I also got to leave as soon as I was finished which means I got out of dance early.

I started a bowling game off with a spare and two strikes. That was exciting.

I returned a book which was late and should have accrued three dollars in late fees on it. Much to my surprise, the fee hadn't yet processed by the time I returned it, so I had no fee! Cash stays mine, BYU Library! Thanks!

I went to Big! Lots, which everyone knows is one of my favorite places to be. I got a card for my daddy and also a 10 pc Farberware cooking set for $60. Silver. With straining lids. Score! I am excited. Maybe I'll cook more now.

I also bought some fabulous lavender scented dryer sheets which are fragrant enough to fill my room with their lusciousness. My room seriously smells so good!

I went to the gym for an hour where I lifted and did some refreshing cardio. I need to increase my weights that I'm lifting though--I'm not sore enough. This is good news!

I got my new cell phone! (Thanks, Parents! I was charging mine every twelve hours--got a little sick of it.) My new one is a freaking champ.

Samsung Rant in my favorite color. Sweeeeet!

I activated it successfully. Then I got my contacts transferred.

While doing this, I was able to see my old friend Rheanna who used to live at Crestwood and who works at Sprint. It was so good to talk to her.

I then went to the mall to get an Invisishield on my phone to protect it from the wear and tear which it will endure in my purse. It is now protected and permanently new-looking. While waiting for the shield to be put on, I did a little shopping. I was rather unsuccessful. I tried on clothes at Vanity and Deb. Nothing worked out very well. So I made myself feel better by purchasing some See's Nuts and Chews with my University Mall gift certificate from my birthday. And wouldn't you know it? I received my change in CASH! Woot. I'll still use it at the mall for clothes though. But still! See's AND cash? Cha-ching!

Then at the mall I received a text from Brianne asking if I had eaten. We decided to use our buy one get one free entree coupon at Friday's. We then went to her house where we hung out and watched the most boring episode of Jon & Kate Plus 8 ever. But it was still fun trying to figure out playlist width settings and whatnot. I always have fun with Brianne--good conversations, never silence.

Beyond these small material pleasures, I've been greatly blessed by an amazing bishop and amazing and supportive professors in my program. I am so excited that things are going in the right direction for me and will do everything I can to continue moving forward. This includes reading scriptures daily to prepare for institute. OK, so I slacked Wed-Sat last week, but I will be prepared by class time tomorrow night.

I have been very humbled by the blessings that have come so immediately to me when I do not deserve them. I'll take what I can get, though! I am so grateful for the gospel and the atonement in my life. Where would I be without my Savior?

Life is good. :)


April said…
Yay Janae! I'm glad things are going better for you! BTW, What's your new calling?
Kar said…
Oh, so many things to say.
1. LOVE the song... I'm debating on whether I like your version or my version better. Just decided, I like yours, the womans voice is beautiful.
2. The number of cooking pots/pans is not correlated with the amount I actually cook, I hope the same is not true for you.
3. I'm getting that phone, I love Sprint
4. I am still amazed by our similar tastes in movies (the good ones at least. I do not include The Ringer or Goldmember in this)

Have a beautiful day :)

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