Cool Things

I've been watching a lot of movies lately, as usual. I rented five movies last week and watched four of them. I'll watch the fifth today (Milk).

I watched Be Kind, Rewind; Frost/Nixon; He's Just Not That Into You; and Personal Effects.

I also watched Breakfast at Tiffany's--thanks Brianne! And I watched French Kiss and Life as a House. Wow, that is a lot of movies in a week. And yet I feel like I stay pretty busy outside of that.

Gene Simmons Family Jewels season premiere was last night, which makes me happy. I was having withdrawals. Geez, like I need another show. I consistently and regularly watch So You Think You Can Dance, Jon & Kate Plus 8, and Dog the Bounty Hunter. When Little People, Big World is in season, I watch that, too. Before SYTYCD, I watch American Idol consistently. And in commercial breaks from my regular shows, I watch What Not to Wear, and Intervention. The TV watching is getting a bit out of control. I should be planning units and lessons, and I will, as soon as I get a better idea of what is expected of me. Besides, I like my shows.

Today in bowling class I got some practice at keeping score. I officially understand score keeping now. I had a vague idea of how it worked before, but now I can do it all by myself. Exciting, huh?

Also, I went to get some chips out of the vending machine at work. I work on the third floor, and vending is in the basement. I took the (really really slow) elevator down and realized that I was five cents short because the price went up again. I was only slightly bugged that I had to go all the way back up to get more money. My patience paid off because after heading back up, getting a nickel, and going back down, I put the money in and retrieved my chips. But I saw something else at the bottom of that vending machine! I got a free pack of crumb donuts with my chip purchase. I can handle two for one if it takes a couple trips on an elevator. Yeah! Free breakfast for tomorrow.


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