July in Review
At this very moment, my man is out with his cousin seeing a movie I am very anxious to see. I was given the option to come, but I'm not feeling especially awesome this evening, and didn't want to impose upon their plans.
So I thought today would be a good day to recap July 2019, and see if my summer is going as well as I'd like to think it is.
On July 1, I busted out my sewing machine and hemmed a new jumpsuit I got, and also stitched up a couple of reusable bags I particularly like. It's always a moment of pride when I re-teach myself how to use my sewing machine.
We went to the pool on July 2, but I have no photos to share. I just want to count how many times I've been to the pool so far.
On July 3, I worked a half day and then did the long drive home to Glendora, CA for the weekend.
The 4th at my dad's house was pretty uneventful. I did a morning workout, learned the introduction to Bohemian Rhapsody on the piano, and my dad and I watched most of season three of Stranger Things. I was so sad not to be in Utah for Crumbl's Eggo Waffle cookie in honor of the show.
For the record, I LOVED season three of Stranger Things. LOVED it, almost as much as season one, and definitely more than season two. We didn't watch any fireworks, just ate some good food.
On July 5, I went on a run and then gave myself my second black eye in my life within a two week span, which I already wrote about. It was really cute. While I sat there recovering, I felt one of two earthquakes on my visit home. Mostly I saw dad's motorcycle rock back and forth, and it felt like I was on a boat.
My dad took me on his motorcycle up to Mt. Baldy Lodge. I grew up in southern California but don't think I had ever been to Mt. Baldy. That was a fun ride. The service there wasn't great, and the food was nothing special, but I got to chat with my dad about important life things.
I finished Stranger Things that day and also did some unnecessary shopping.
Saturday, July 6 was a long run day. I did nine very difficult miles across one town and into the next. It had lots of hills and was very sweaty. I got back and showered and got ready to go on a club ride with my dad out to Chino Hills for breakfast at Flo's Cafe. It was fun to meet his brothers (and a couple sisters) and ride in a group.
Sadly, on our drive back, my dad's transmission went out on his new bike. We had to wait for a tow, but thankfully the couple in the trailing car stayed with us and gave us a ride home after the tow truck came.
That night was pretty great because my whole family got together to go have dinner at Roscoe's Chicken + Waffles in Pasadena. It was my first time, and it was as good as they say. I got in trouble with Matthew though. He said I was supposed to order dark meat, and the gravy. I didn't want gravy. I tried my brothers' and wouldn't have liked it. I'm not much for gravy unless it's sausage gravy on biscuits, preferably homemade.
My trip to CA wouldn't have been complete without a couple of trips to my favorite donut shop, right?
On Sunday, July 7, I took a half hour walk around my neighborhood because I'd be spending another full day in the car. I hit a lot of traffic at various points, which was frustrating. Always is when you just want to get home, right?.
July 8 was loads of fun because it was back to work, but not without the hiccup of the power going out, thanks to a moron driving drunk at some insanely early hour and knocking out a huge power source. I also pooped my pants.
On July 9, we went to Zao Cafe for dinner.
July 10 was the great day that my knee pain started after I run hills. I got a massage and thought that would help, but I wrote more about that on this other post.
On July 11, I went to dinner at Costa Vida with Kristen. It was good to chat with her for a little while.
July 12 was a fun adventure because I got to try Cryotherapy for the first time. It was exhilarating and strange. I think I would do it again, but mostly I want to try compression therapy instead.
That day Matthew also had an exciting phone call with the possibility of a job in mortgage brokering. And that night was the best you could ask for because we watched Bill & Ted, so obviously it was a good time.
On July 13, I went to the pool. I think that's only the second time I'm mentioning the pool, which makes me feel incredibly disappointed.
But July 13 was especially awesome because I went to Tsunami and the Cookie Taste Off with Kristine! It was a fun time, but I definitely over ate and felt awful later.
July 14, Matthew and I went to the pool! Huzzah. We also attempted to have a campfire in Millcreek Canyon, but the rest of northern Utah had the same idea, and we were unable to find a fire pit. So we came home and grilled hot dogs and watched Pirates of the Caribbean.
July 15 was a Bees game with Britt & Tyler. It was such a fun game because we got to go up to the suite to visit all my old Alpine bosses. I loved catching up with them. After that we went down and found Kristen and Julie. The Bees were losing, so we left early. I guess they came back and made it a really close game, but still lost.
July 16, Matthew came to visit me at work, and we went to Starbucks. He moved the table while I had the lid off of my drink and splashed it all over my dress, so that was fun. Thankfully it didn't really stain.
On July 17, we went to dinner at Side of Aloha, and went to the pool. Yay, pool! Then we watched Detective Pikachu, which we both enjoyed.
I also jumped on this bandwagon. I apologize in advance.
July 18, I had enough of my knee pain and went to In Motion Physical Therapy down the street from my work because Matthew's roommate Melissa works there and was able to get me in. I've been a couple of times a week since then, and have my last appointment this coming Friday, before my race. They gave me some exercises and stretches to do, which I've been very good about doing.
I briefly got to visit Brittney at her boyfriend's soccer game since it was just around the corner from my house. Always fun to connect with friends I used to see every day. That night, Matthew had dinner with another potential employer: Edward Jones. It was at Carver's steakhouse, so I got to hear all about that option after I got home from the game.
July 19, I decided to head to the running store to see if they could recommend something for my knee. I got an IT band strap, which has been incredibly helpful! So helpful that on July 20, I was able to complete 11 miles without any issues.
July 20, we saw a matinee of The Lion King. I really enjoyed it. I liked the changes they made because they were small and funny. Pool after the movie!
We had dinner at Slapfish and dessert at San Diablo Churros, with visits to Bath & Body Works and Kohl's in between foods.
July 20, as if it weren't already awesome, marked two years of my brother's sobriety journey. We are all so, so proud of him.
July 21 I went to the pool, but it got way too crowded because one of the pools was closed. Matthew came over, and we watched Down to Earth because he had never seen it before. I love it for some reason.
July 22, I had physical therapy again, which included the TheraGun torture device (aka the assault gun). I rewarded myself by watching Maleficent.
July 23 was nice because I got a lot of nods at a company meeting for something I had done in regard to our quarterly report. We watched Christopher Robin and went on a walk, but Matthew had to leave pretty promptly that night because of dizziness after getting his tooth pulled the day before. (And thank goodness it's gone because that tooth was the devil for a couple of weeks! I mean, the more teeth the better, but not if they're painful.)
July 24 was Pioneer Day, which was nice. I ran five miles and had a hard time with it due to low energy and major thirst. I saw stars after getting home. Thankfully I was able to calm down and recover. Matthew came over, and we went to the pool, made lunch, and talked about a lot of important and heavy topics. I always enjoy a good, intimate conversation with him. He's one of my favorite people to talk to, and the empathy and love he shows me just makes me love him so much more.
That evening, we got dinner at Mo Bettah and went to the Bees game with his brother, SIL, and their kids. It was a good time, followed by really good fireworks too. Matthew got all worked up about a jerk who bumped into me on the sidewalk. Didn't even try to avoid hitting me, didn't apologize or acknowledge me, nothing. It was super rude, but Matthew was madder about it than me.
July 26, I had physical therapy again. It was a sad day because Matthew and I visited my favorite dessert places on its second to last day of existence. Create a Donut's creator, LaDonnia, has a really rare and serious illness, and was unable to sell the store before having to close it for her health. It was delicious, and I was genuinely so sad about it being the last time. We came home and watched one of my favorite movies: Before Sunrise.
Saturday, July 27 was the short run before my long one--only seven miles. I had the very unpleasurable experience of getting waxed for the first time--underarm and Brazilian. Yowza. It was rough.
While I was grocery shopping at Smith's, there were two apparently homeless men standing in the store. They moved out of the way as they saw me approaching. They were both probably 60 or so. One of them blurted out, "You're way too beautiful to be shopping here." Incredulous, I asked, "Why is that?" I didn't even hear his weird, mumbled response, but didn't try too hard because I just kept walking. Such a bizarre experience that it deserves noting for my own amusement down the road.
That day was also super great because Matthew went with me to the Love Letters Museum at the Gateway. It was a great time, though for me it was a little warm in there. We wandered the soda/candy shop across the street, which I think is so fun. I bought way too much crap there, but am most excited for my 5th Avenue candy bars.
We drove separately to dinner at Red Lobster in Sugar House, where there was no parking. I swear the situation in that area is more difficult every time I go. I don't know how they manage it. Dinner was so, so good though.
After dinner, we went to Sugar House park and spent some time near the water talking.
Then we drove to the Spilled Milk Bar food truck, which is really delicious, inventive soft serve. It blew our minds. We ended the day with some Parks and Rec episodes.
July 28 was a hot and complicated day. I went on a walk and decided I wanted to be near water (but not at a pool), so I drove myself to Murray Park to read. I wasn't there for very long by the time Matthew had decided he wanted to go to a lake, and if I wanted to come, I needed to be there ASAP. So I rushed home to get my bathing suit and some food and drove to his house.
We went to Jordanelle first, but they're not dog friendly, so we had to turn around and go to Rockport Reservoir. The "day use" areas were all crowded, so we took the liberty of parking in an empty camping spot, and didn't get in trouble from the park people until we were about to leave. I got one mosquito bite; we had good conversation on the way home, and I think the trip was a success overall.
That night, I had my first encounter with our local community dumpster divers. This old, trashy couple in an Escalade frequently goes through all the dumpsters at my community. They said they're looking for jewelry and money. So, I called the cops and posted on our Facebook group, as does everyone else in this community when they see these folks.
On Monday night, Matthew came over, and we watched another of my favorite movies: Away We Go. I honestly hadn't seen it since it came out on DVD, so it was really fun to revisit it in a different phase of life. Still hilarious, by the way.
Yesterday, July 30, I had leg day and physical therapy. Matthew went with me to my grandma's house to visit my aunt Lisa who's in town for a couple of days. I struggled ALL evening with lightheadedness and wooziness after donating plasma. I think it's the timing of my period that messed me up worse than usual.
And today, July 30. It was my first run in a long time with minimal to no knee issues. Normally after I run, going downstairs kills my knees, but they've been fine today! Work has been crazy this week. I tried to get myself a slice of chocolate cake at Village Baker by my work, but they were sold out, and I honestly had to try not to cry. I was really frustrated. So of course I had to go to a different one after work.
So this month, yeah, I got in a lot of great pool days, got two new pairs of shoes, had lots of good conversations (and kisses) with my love, spent time with my dad and brothers, had some good runs, watched good movies, read good books, attended baseball games, ate good food, and made good memories. I have also arrived at a new and bizarre (good) place mentally when it comes to my physical body. more on that later. But man, the last couple of weeks this month have been really rough for me. Problems with my knee got me really discouraged and emotional. I've been emotional in general. For the past week or so, my sinus and allergies have been really bizarre, making me sound a little froggy and feel strange. I've had a couple of days where I felt utterly exhausted (like toddler nap time tantrum exhausted) or had noticeably low energy. And I just am ready for the new month. I normally am not one to focus on time periods as a whole, as I think each hour and each day is a new opportunity. But man this last couple of weeks for me as a whole has been rough, for a lot of other people I know, too! I'm starting to believe there's something to this Mercury Retrograde stuff, and already feel better today (so does my KNEE!) now that it's on its way out. Crazy stuff.
I got a little burned out on reading this month, so I slowed down the last week or two. In July I read:
-Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown (audiobook, listened twice)
-Tweak by Nic Sheff (audiobook)
-Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist (audiobook)
-The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking (audiobook)
-The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion
-The Bassoon King by Rainn Wilson (audiobook)
-Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris (audiobook)
-Outer Order, Inner Calm by Gretchen Rubin (audiobook, listened twice)
-The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George
Ready for August to come on in, and Mercury to go on out. GOODBYE!
So I thought today would be a good day to recap July 2019, and see if my summer is going as well as I'd like to think it is.
On July 1, I busted out my sewing machine and hemmed a new jumpsuit I got, and also stitched up a couple of reusable bags I particularly like. It's always a moment of pride when I re-teach myself how to use my sewing machine.
We went to the pool on July 2, but I have no photos to share. I just want to count how many times I've been to the pool so far.
On July 3, I worked a half day and then did the long drive home to Glendora, CA for the weekend.
The 4th at my dad's house was pretty uneventful. I did a morning workout, learned the introduction to Bohemian Rhapsody on the piano, and my dad and I watched most of season three of Stranger Things. I was so sad not to be in Utah for Crumbl's Eggo Waffle cookie in honor of the show.
For the record, I LOVED season three of Stranger Things. LOVED it, almost as much as season one, and definitely more than season two. We didn't watch any fireworks, just ate some good food.
On July 5, I went on a run and then gave myself my second black eye in my life within a two week span, which I already wrote about. It was really cute. While I sat there recovering, I felt one of two earthquakes on my visit home. Mostly I saw dad's motorcycle rock back and forth, and it felt like I was on a boat.
My dad took me on his motorcycle up to Mt. Baldy Lodge. I grew up in southern California but don't think I had ever been to Mt. Baldy. That was a fun ride. The service there wasn't great, and the food was nothing special, but I got to chat with my dad about important life things.
I finished Stranger Things that day and also did some unnecessary shopping.
Saturday, July 6 was a long run day. I did nine very difficult miles across one town and into the next. It had lots of hills and was very sweaty. I got back and showered and got ready to go on a club ride with my dad out to Chino Hills for breakfast at Flo's Cafe. It was fun to meet his brothers (and a couple sisters) and ride in a group.
Sadly, on our drive back, my dad's transmission went out on his new bike. We had to wait for a tow, but thankfully the couple in the trailing car stayed with us and gave us a ride home after the tow truck came.
That night was pretty great because my whole family got together to go have dinner at Roscoe's Chicken + Waffles in Pasadena. It was my first time, and it was as good as they say. I got in trouble with Matthew though. He said I was supposed to order dark meat, and the gravy. I didn't want gravy. I tried my brothers' and wouldn't have liked it. I'm not much for gravy unless it's sausage gravy on biscuits, preferably homemade.
My trip to CA wouldn't have been complete without a couple of trips to my favorite donut shop, right?
On Sunday, July 7, I took a half hour walk around my neighborhood because I'd be spending another full day in the car. I hit a lot of traffic at various points, which was frustrating. Always is when you just want to get home, right?.
July 8 was loads of fun because it was back to work, but not without the hiccup of the power going out, thanks to a moron driving drunk at some insanely early hour and knocking out a huge power source. I also pooped my pants.
On July 9, we went to Zao Cafe for dinner.
July 10 was the great day that my knee pain started after I run hills. I got a massage and thought that would help, but I wrote more about that on this other post.
On July 11, I went to dinner at Costa Vida with Kristen. It was good to chat with her for a little while.
July 12 was a fun adventure because I got to try Cryotherapy for the first time. It was exhilarating and strange. I think I would do it again, but mostly I want to try compression therapy instead.
That day Matthew also had an exciting phone call with the possibility of a job in mortgage brokering. And that night was the best you could ask for because we watched Bill & Ted, so obviously it was a good time.
On July 13, I went to the pool. I think that's only the second time I'm mentioning the pool, which makes me feel incredibly disappointed.
But July 13 was especially awesome because I went to Tsunami and the Cookie Taste Off with Kristine! It was a fun time, but I definitely over ate and felt awful later.
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I loved Munchies the most |
July 14, Matthew and I went to the pool! Huzzah. We also attempted to have a campfire in Millcreek Canyon, but the rest of northern Utah had the same idea, and we were unable to find a fire pit. So we came home and grilled hot dogs and watched Pirates of the Caribbean.
July 15 was a Bees game with Britt & Tyler. It was such a fun game because we got to go up to the suite to visit all my old Alpine bosses. I loved catching up with them. After that we went down and found Kristen and Julie. The Bees were losing, so we left early. I guess they came back and made it a really close game, but still lost.
July 16, Matthew came to visit me at work, and we went to Starbucks. He moved the table while I had the lid off of my drink and splashed it all over my dress, so that was fun. Thankfully it didn't really stain.
On July 17, we went to dinner at Side of Aloha, and went to the pool. Yay, pool! Then we watched Detective Pikachu, which we both enjoyed.
I also jumped on this bandwagon. I apologize in advance.
July 18, I had enough of my knee pain and went to In Motion Physical Therapy down the street from my work because Matthew's roommate Melissa works there and was able to get me in. I've been a couple of times a week since then, and have my last appointment this coming Friday, before my race. They gave me some exercises and stretches to do, which I've been very good about doing.
I briefly got to visit Brittney at her boyfriend's soccer game since it was just around the corner from my house. Always fun to connect with friends I used to see every day. That night, Matthew had dinner with another potential employer: Edward Jones. It was at Carver's steakhouse, so I got to hear all about that option after I got home from the game.
July 19, I decided to head to the running store to see if they could recommend something for my knee. I got an IT band strap, which has been incredibly helpful! So helpful that on July 20, I was able to complete 11 miles without any issues.
July 20, we saw a matinee of The Lion King. I really enjoyed it. I liked the changes they made because they were small and funny. Pool after the movie!
We had dinner at Slapfish and dessert at San Diablo Churros, with visits to Bath & Body Works and Kohl's in between foods.
July 20, as if it weren't already awesome, marked two years of my brother's sobriety journey. We are all so, so proud of him.
July 21 I went to the pool, but it got way too crowded because one of the pools was closed. Matthew came over, and we watched Down to Earth because he had never seen it before. I love it for some reason.
July 22, I had physical therapy again, which included the TheraGun torture device (aka the assault gun). I rewarded myself by watching Maleficent.
July 23 was nice because I got a lot of nods at a company meeting for something I had done in regard to our quarterly report. We watched Christopher Robin and went on a walk, but Matthew had to leave pretty promptly that night because of dizziness after getting his tooth pulled the day before. (And thank goodness it's gone because that tooth was the devil for a couple of weeks! I mean, the more teeth the better, but not if they're painful.)
July 24 was Pioneer Day, which was nice. I ran five miles and had a hard time with it due to low energy and major thirst. I saw stars after getting home. Thankfully I was able to calm down and recover. Matthew came over, and we went to the pool, made lunch, and talked about a lot of important and heavy topics. I always enjoy a good, intimate conversation with him. He's one of my favorite people to talk to, and the empathy and love he shows me just makes me love him so much more.
That evening, we got dinner at Mo Bettah and went to the Bees game with his brother, SIL, and their kids. It was a good time, followed by really good fireworks too. Matthew got all worked up about a jerk who bumped into me on the sidewalk. Didn't even try to avoid hitting me, didn't apologize or acknowledge me, nothing. It was super rude, but Matthew was madder about it than me.
July 26, I had physical therapy again. It was a sad day because Matthew and I visited my favorite dessert places on its second to last day of existence. Create a Donut's creator, LaDonnia, has a really rare and serious illness, and was unable to sell the store before having to close it for her health. It was delicious, and I was genuinely so sad about it being the last time. We came home and watched one of my favorite movies: Before Sunrise.
Saturday, July 27 was the short run before my long one--only seven miles. I had the very unpleasurable experience of getting waxed for the first time--underarm and Brazilian. Yowza. It was rough.
While I was grocery shopping at Smith's, there were two apparently homeless men standing in the store. They moved out of the way as they saw me approaching. They were both probably 60 or so. One of them blurted out, "You're way too beautiful to be shopping here." Incredulous, I asked, "Why is that?" I didn't even hear his weird, mumbled response, but didn't try too hard because I just kept walking. Such a bizarre experience that it deserves noting for my own amusement down the road.
That day was also super great because Matthew went with me to the Love Letters Museum at the Gateway. It was a great time, though for me it was a little warm in there. We wandered the soda/candy shop across the street, which I think is so fun. I bought way too much crap there, but am most excited for my 5th Avenue candy bars.
We drove separately to dinner at Red Lobster in Sugar House, where there was no parking. I swear the situation in that area is more difficult every time I go. I don't know how they manage it. Dinner was so, so good though.
After dinner, we went to Sugar House park and spent some time near the water talking.
Then we drove to the Spilled Milk Bar food truck, which is really delicious, inventive soft serve. It blew our minds. We ended the day with some Parks and Rec episodes.
July 28 was a hot and complicated day. I went on a walk and decided I wanted to be near water (but not at a pool), so I drove myself to Murray Park to read. I wasn't there for very long by the time Matthew had decided he wanted to go to a lake, and if I wanted to come, I needed to be there ASAP. So I rushed home to get my bathing suit and some food and drove to his house.
We went to Jordanelle first, but they're not dog friendly, so we had to turn around and go to Rockport Reservoir. The "day use" areas were all crowded, so we took the liberty of parking in an empty camping spot, and didn't get in trouble from the park people until we were about to leave. I got one mosquito bite; we had good conversation on the way home, and I think the trip was a success overall.
That night, I had my first encounter with our local community dumpster divers. This old, trashy couple in an Escalade frequently goes through all the dumpsters at my community. They said they're looking for jewelry and money. So, I called the cops and posted on our Facebook group, as does everyone else in this community when they see these folks.
On Monday night, Matthew came over, and we watched another of my favorite movies: Away We Go. I honestly hadn't seen it since it came out on DVD, so it was really fun to revisit it in a different phase of life. Still hilarious, by the way.
Yesterday, July 30, I had leg day and physical therapy. Matthew went with me to my grandma's house to visit my aunt Lisa who's in town for a couple of days. I struggled ALL evening with lightheadedness and wooziness after donating plasma. I think it's the timing of my period that messed me up worse than usual.
And today, July 30. It was my first run in a long time with minimal to no knee issues. Normally after I run, going downstairs kills my knees, but they've been fine today! Work has been crazy this week. I tried to get myself a slice of chocolate cake at Village Baker by my work, but they were sold out, and I honestly had to try not to cry. I was really frustrated. So of course I had to go to a different one after work.
So this month, yeah, I got in a lot of great pool days, got two new pairs of shoes, had lots of good conversations (and kisses) with my love, spent time with my dad and brothers, had some good runs, watched good movies, read good books, attended baseball games, ate good food, and made good memories. I have also arrived at a new and bizarre (good) place mentally when it comes to my physical body. more on that later. But man, the last couple of weeks this month have been really rough for me. Problems with my knee got me really discouraged and emotional. I've been emotional in general. For the past week or so, my sinus and allergies have been really bizarre, making me sound a little froggy and feel strange. I've had a couple of days where I felt utterly exhausted (like toddler nap time tantrum exhausted) or had noticeably low energy. And I just am ready for the new month. I normally am not one to focus on time periods as a whole, as I think each hour and each day is a new opportunity. But man this last couple of weeks for me as a whole has been rough, for a lot of other people I know, too! I'm starting to believe there's something to this Mercury Retrograde stuff, and already feel better today (so does my KNEE!) now that it's on its way out. Crazy stuff.
I got a little burned out on reading this month, so I slowed down the last week or two. In July I read:
-Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown (audiobook, listened twice)
-Tweak by Nic Sheff (audiobook)
-Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist (audiobook)
-The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking (audiobook)
-The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion
-The Bassoon King by Rainn Wilson (audiobook)
-Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris (audiobook)
-Outer Order, Inner Calm by Gretchen Rubin (audiobook, listened twice)
-The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George
Ready for August to come on in, and Mercury to go on out. GOODBYE!