August in Review

I am a little weirded out that it's September, but I feel pretty good about 2019. I'm still loving summer and sunshine and heat, and curse all of you who are anxious for fall. It's not that I don't like fall. I really do. But I just am so much happier during this time of year with so much sun and such long days.

So! Let's review August 2019.

On August 1, I had my packet pickup for my race the following Saturday.

On Friday, August 2, Matthew and I went to Itto Sushi and drove to Midway to stay at an Airbnb for my race the next day. It was a really cute little place. It's connected to their garage behind their house. The bed wasn't awesome; it kind of bowed in the middle, so we didn't sleep super well.

August 3 was my race. I didn't give this race its own post, though maybe I should've, since it's been my most difficult one to date. Not that the race itself was the hardest (I think that was the Alpine half), but the work it took for me to get there was more than any other race. I went to physical therapy, had to buy an IT band strap for my leg, and experienced a lot of pain and worry. Around mile 9 is when my knee pain kicked in. I struggled after that. Lots of stopping and walking. But I finished!

My cheering crowd was the best (and smallest to date): just Matthew. He drove to mile three and waited in my car to cheer for me. I apparently ran by our Airbnb around mile 8-9, so he was waiting out front to cheer for me there. He drove past me to the finish line, rolled down the window, and yelled and cheered for me as he drove by. At the finish line, he brought my protein shake and donuts, per my request. He was the best photographer and was proud of me for finishing. I love him the most.

After that, we cleaned up and left the Airbnb and went to my favorite little place in Midway: Filler'up Station. He ate, and I had a beverage.

We took it easy the rest of the day; took a short nap and then he went home. I got groceries, ate at Waffle Love, and ran some errands. It was a really good day. It's fun to write these posts to reflect on particular days and experiences; it really makes me grateful for my life and for my person.

August 4 was a quiet, standard day. Went to church, the farmer's market, made dinner, watched Tombstone, and took two walks.

August 5 was another Bees game! And we had quite the crowd but didn't get a picture of everyone. Our group of four was me, Matthew, Kelsey, and Tanner. And Brittney and Tyler got four tickets which Kristine and Brinton used. It was fun to see everyone, even though I didn't get to touch base with everyone. Also, by far the sweatiest game of the season.

August 6 was our six month anniversary. We went to Flavors of India for dinner and had more talks about our relationship and future. Matthew brought me flowers and emailed me a letter.

August 9 we went to the pool, got Sodalicious, and ate dinner at Mo Bettah. Of course, I had to get Crumbl afterward.

On August 10, we went to Park Cafe and walked around Liberty Park. We visited the folk art museum at the park, too.

I did my regular errands and picked up pizza for my friends' arrival because it was my Favorite Things Party that night! Numbers were a little smaller than planned; I had a few bail last minute.
- I brought Homestyle popcorn/Albanese gummies/Jane gift card.
- Kathryn - Kneaders gift card
- Kelsey - Swig gift card
- Kristen - Crumbl Snickerdoodle
- Joyce - Hair treatment
- Rachel - Lotion
- Cara - Peanut Butter cups

It was good to sit and chat with everyone.

August 11 was another pretty standard Sunday. I visited Matthew's ward at church with him. We watched Thor. I went home and did dishes and some meal prep, took a nap, and listened to my audiobooks.

On the evening of August 12, we went to the hot tub. I feel I've made decent use of the pool and Jacuzzi this season.

August 13 was fun: we went up Millcreek Canyon and had a campfire. There were very loud children at the campsite next to us; it sort of took away from the ambiance of the area with the water flowing and such. But we had a good time.

August 15 was another fun date. We went to Laid Back Poke Shack for dinner, visited The Store because I needed some cilantro ranch dressing, and tried out Munchies dessert in Millcreek. We got a red velvet Whoopie Pie, chocolate chip cookie (my favorite at the Taste Off), a frosted brownie, and a Guava cake (for Matthew). All of it was SO GOOD. I wish they were closer.

August 17, you guessed it! More food. We went to Wingstop for dinner. I really loved their fries SO MUCH. So good.

That night, we stayed around the corner at the Hansen House Bed & Breakfast in the Wine & Gold room. After checking in, we went to get dessert (soft serve with Biscoff crumbled on it). We came back to the house for the night. It was an interesting experience. The bed was super comfortable. The jacuzzi bath ran out of hot water; so that was fun. The next morning's breakfast was really yummy: toast with homemade apricot jam, hash brown/egg casserole, mini maple donuts (omg so good), and watermelon. We chatted with the other couple there who was celebrating one year married. Fran (the owner) and her nephew ate with us as well.

We checked out and planned some of our CA trip back at my house. Matthew went home to study. I had errands to run, including my second time getting waxed, which was much better than the first time. We got dinner at Lone Star Taqueria that night. We had even more good conversation about our relationship and future. And I am just so grateful he wants to discuss these things with me.

August 18, I went to church, went to the farmer's market, started reading a book to prepare for National Novel Writing Month, and went with Matthew to get some work clothes. We also went to his friend's baby gender reveal (it's a boy; their first is a girl, so that's fun). I of course went on a walk. That's what I do on Sundays.

August 19, I ran some errands. I wanted to get lunch ready for my man who was starting work the next day because I knew he wouldn't plan something for himself. So I shopped and took it all over to him that night. We watched a show, and he passed his test later that night!

August 20 was his first day of work. He was super wiped out, but we got dinner at Mo Bettah and talked about work. At my own work I did a lot of reorganizing and furniture assembly in our storage room so our two east coast people have a place to work when they come to town.

August 21 was a really good night. Matthew came over after work and made himself some dinner. We shared some tender words and feelings, and I'm just so grateful to have him in my life.

August 22, I had a long diner and conversation with my friend Natalie. I walked away from it once again grateful that Matthew is the person he is, and that I get to be with him. His willingness to be vulnerable and to consciously work on a relationship are qualities I don't take for granted. I made peach cobbler that night as well.

Friday, August 23 was SO FUN. Julie and I went to the Yelp event at Liberty Park. It was a farmers market scavenger hunt. We took lots of photos so we could rack up points for a free dessert. But of course we wanted dinner first, so we ate at the Raclette tent. Oh it was yummy. I could've used some sauces or something, but I really liked the bread a lot. For dessert, Julie got a s'mores treat, and I got a massive crepe.

After that, I drove down to Saratoga Springs to hang out with Matthew's friends and him. I guess he spoke really highly of me at diner, and his friend Kevin informed me of how good I am for Matthew. That was really nice to hear. Matthew and I had more good conversation under the streetlights outside.

August 24, I did my usual Saturday stuff. Matthew and I went to a matinee of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, which we both loved. It was so good. We had pizza at Este in Sugar House. He came over for a bit and went home to hang out with his friend Jason.

August 25, I got to meet Matthew's friend Jason at breakfast at Park Cafe. We walked a loop around Liberty Park, so that was fun. It was super warm out. Matthew went home to study, came over later that day, and I made us dinner.

Monday August 26, my work went to sushi for a celebratory lunch. It was yummy. I didn't overeat, which is hard for me with sushi, of course. I took my carry-on suitcase to Matthew's work (only two miles from my house), and came home and did my own packing.

Tuesday the fun began! I was up early for my workout. We left on time, but traffic was kind of a nightmare. We picked up Matthew in Bountiful and go through airport security and to our gate on time. After we boarded, they found a problem with the plane, and they had to deplane us. It was a two hour delay, during which time we had plans in southern California. So the delay set us back a TON because we got in and had to go get our car rental, which was the ordeal of the century. By the time that was taken care of, we had to head home because of traffic.

We went with my dad to Grand Burger, and I sat and listened to them exchange thoughts on conspiracy theories and such. We went to Wal-Mart to get some groceries that evening, and drove out to Monrovia for UFO sightings and dessert at Pinkberry.

August 28 was Disney day. We got there about 9:40, and into the park by about 10am. We went straight for Galaxy's Edge before it got too crowded. We wandered around, took a ton of pictures, and did the ride. We went the single rider route, which means you likely get separated, and don't get to pick your roles. I was an engineer. It was a sim ride, like Star Tours, but it's interactive, so I had buttons to push in my area of the ship.

We had green and blue milk, which were good but sorely overpriced.

Sadly, Haunted Mansion was closed. We got ourselves some Mickey Beignets in New Orleans square, and then hit up Indiana Jones and the Jungle Cruise.

We got a Dole Whip to share and walked over to California Adventure where we did the Incredicoaster (formerly California Screamin) and Little Mermaid. We came back over to Disney for lunch at Blue Bayou, which was delicious. And we had some good conversation again.

Please enjoy the best picture ever of Matthew.

After lunch, we did Storybook Land and the Teacups. Then Matthew's brother, SIL, and kids came to CA Adventure, so we met them back over there. We rode Soarin' Over California, which I love, and Guardians (our longest wait of the day).

We split up from his family and went back over to Disney. We got a cinnamon pretzel with cream cheese and went on Big Thunder Mountain. We walked onto Pirates (after it was closed several times during the day), and got ourselves a Corn Dog, which we should've shared. We chatted with a couple of Canadians who graciously offered to share their table with us as they watched Fantasmic.

After that, we did Star Tours and watched the fireworks. We did the Astro Blasters, and Matthew taught me how to get more points, because I usually am terrible at it. After the fireworks were done, we headed to Peter Pan. I don't understand why that ride always is the longest wait. It is cute, but geez.

We got some treats on our way out, and headed home around 10:30. We had to go to Wal-mart to pick up some new pillows, too. We were both exhausted.

August 29 was a really mellow day on our trip. We slept in. I worked out; Matthew went to get me a donut and run a couple errands. We went to my brother Jason's in Riverside for about 45 minutes, and then out to Beaumont for dinner with Matthew's family at Ryan & Melissa's house. Shelly was there, but I didn't get to meet her husband Jacob. I met Matthew's oldest sister Jacque, and her three sons. And Stanley came as well. Dinner was lasagna, and was super good. It was fun to meet everyone and hear all their stories. I'm sad I didn't take any pictures.

August 30, we just could not sleep. The futon was treating us really poorly, and we couldn't get back to sleep on the couch. Plus, we were both hungry. So we got up at 6:30, put clothes on, and went to Flappy Jack's for dessert. I got the pecan pancakes, and Matthew got regular buttermilk. It was good, but not amazing. I'd try stuffed pancakes or French toast next time, I think.

We went to Newport Beach, and got there about 10:30. There was NO ONE there. It was glorious. The weather was perfect, too. It was such a nice time. We stayed until about 12:15, because we wanted to get lunch at Bear Flag, and try to get home before insane traffic started. Lunch was really good!

After we got home, I did my workout, and Matthew went to try to get a haircut, and get a chiropractic adjustment. I spent some time sorting family photos before dinner. Jared and Amoreena couldn't come to dinner, sadly. Jason & Kellie were a little bit late, but the wait at Casa del Rey wasn't bad at all. Jake came, but no Amanda. It was a fun dinner. I love my people.

That night we hung out and talked, and I did laundry and packed up.

Yesterday, I was up early. We finished packing, got donuts, talked with my dad for a bit, and headed out. I had a good cry in the car because I always hate leaving my family and hate leaving California (as dirty, crowded, overpriced, and humid as it is). We went really early because we weren't sure of the procedure with the car rental. The shuttle ended up taking us straight there. It took us only 30 minutes to check my bag and get through security and to the gate. LAX is a hot freaking mess, but we didn't have any problems. So we sat there from 11:15 until boarding around 12:55. The flight was good, with some turbulence before landing. I watched Bohemian Rhapsody and did word searches. My mom picked us up, dropped Matthew off, and took me home. I unpacked, did a load of laundry, got groceries and Chick-Fil-A, and came home for the night. I got over nine glorious hours of sleep.

So here we are in September. I'm looking forward to what this month brings. Matthew is going to spend the next two to three weeks buckling down to pass his test for brokering, so I won't be seeing much of him, except for a few minutes after work during the week a couple of nights, and weekends after he has studied sufficiently. We are going to the fair this coming Friday, and have the Star Wars symphony on Saturday. Matthew's birthday is coming up in 12 days. I also have an overnight company trip on September 27 in Park City, which significant others are invited to, and my first Ragnar relay on September 28. Lots to look forward to.

Books completed in August:
The Wild Heart of Stevie Nicks by Rob Sheffield (audiobook)
Dad is Fat by Jim Gaffigan (audiobook)
The Rosie Result by Graeme Simsion
Eat, Pray, Love by Eliziabeth Gilbert (audiobook)

I'm still plugging away slowly at Dare to Lead by Brene Brown, Handling the Truth by Beth Kephart, and Where'd You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple. I also started a fiction audiobook this morning that I hope to report complete for September.

Looking forward to more memories and good food in the month of September.


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