February in Review

February is the next busiest month of the year for me besides December, but all good things, all good things.

February 1 was a blessed weather Saturday. I did all my usual stuff: workout, laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, other errands, etc. I spent quite a bit of time cleaning my room because of a friend coming over the next day, which I'll get to. I thought about going to a movie but didn't end up doing it, and it's just as well, because instead, I got all my January photos off my phone, finished my January review blog, painted my nails, and practiced makeup.

Matthew came over, and we went to Hires Big H for burgers and fries. We got Crumbl after that, and then watched Harriet.

Sunday, February 2 was an exciting day. I was up early because my friend Natalie came over to help me get ready for my mini boudoir photo shoot with Ali of Fox and Sloane Photography. It was nice chatting with her. She did an awesome job on my makeup, which I never could've done on my own, and my hair too! It even held some curls the next day after brushing it, sleeping on it, and exercising.

My photo shoot was down in Lehi at The Loft. It's a lovely space. Sadly, the second outfit I brought, I forgot the lower portion of (aka my lady parts would be out for all to see). So I just had one outfit, but it's fine. Just the one outfit with all the poses took up all the time. Ali was so, so great to work with. She was so encouraging and told me repeatedly how hot I looked. Here's our awesome conversation later in the day:

I got myself a Starbucks after and went home. I made some lil smokies for the Super Bowl party and sat around being lazy. I did go on a walk and caught up on my podcast, also. Matthew came over, and we went to my grandma's for Super Bowl Sunday. It was the usual frustrating noise and chaos. The game was fun, and the food was plentiful. Mom did so much work. Deviled eggs, meatballs, potato and corn chowder, stuffed mushrooms, ten grand toast, queso, 7 layer dip, and on and on. We left a little before 9.

Monday, February 3, I began to compile my list of birthday freebies as they rolled in via email. I can't even keep up. Work was busy on the 3rd, and the snow was insane. It took me 55 minutes to get to work. Kristine and I had dinner plans that we canceled because of the weather.

February 4, Matthew came to get me from work. We went to Tucano's! I haven't been there in so many years. It was fun. We ordered the chocolate cake after. It was enormous.

February 5, awesome Ali sent me my boudoir photos. I LOVE THEM! I shared a bunch with "close friends" on my Instagram story, but only shared two cropped photos publicly. The support and love I got from other women was amazing. I felt so empowered!

Awesome message of support from a friend.
February 6, Matthew and I celebrated one year. A year prior, we went on our first date to see Alita at Megaplex Jordan Commons. We celebrated with a free pizza at Este Pizza in Sugar House, since my Settebello pizza hadn't come yet. Then we tried out Penguin Bros ice cream for dessert.

Friday, February 7, my mom came up to do some errands with me. We went to Wal-mart, ate at the Habit (free birthday burger), and went to Target. Then we drove through Crave cookies to get mom some of her coconut sugar cookies she likes.

Saturday was the best day. It was beautiful and sunny with clean air! I woke up around 7, got the whole house cleaned (including my toilet, dresser, and nightstand, which I hate doing), cleaned the fish tank to prepare for a new fish since mine died, did two loads of laundry, went to Orange Theory, went to Ulta for my birthday freebie, and grocery shopped at Smith's. I bought myself some flowers. After getting home, I started my final load of laundry and hung out at home for a few hours doing a few things for work. Matthew came over around 4, gave me some beautiful flowers, and we went to PetSmart to get me a new fish! I got ready, and Matthew drove us to Draper for dinner at Cubby's, where some of my favorite people came to eat and celebrate with me.

Flowers for myself

Flowers from Matthew

Ready for dinner and the escape room
I got some awesome cards from Natalie, Ashleigh, and Cara. Cara and Rachel got me a Godiva chocolate bar and Starbucks gift card, and Amber got me a yummy smelling candle and a scarf! I told them not to bring me presents; dinner and the escape room was my present! But I'm so grateful for their thoughtfulness.

We drove over to Alcatraz Escape Games for the Wizard escape room. Matthew led the charge, for the most part. An escape room is weird with a group of introverts who haven't done an escape room before. haha. But it was really fun, and not stressful or scary! We solved it with 9 minutes to go, thanks to a million clues, and no thanks to me at all. Honestly. I felt useless.

After dinner, we headed over to Waffle Love. Matthew, his cousin Jim, Ashleigh, Joyce, and Kathryn all joined. Everyone else departed due to long commutes and returning to their families and kids. I am so glad everyone came. I had a really good time and just appreciate everyone giving me their valuable Saturday night.

Sunday, I woke up and went on a walk. It was another sunny day with clean air, so I had to take advantage! I went to church, got waxed, came home, did some more work, and waited for Matthew. He came over, we watched Mad Men, and headed over to my grandma's house. My mom made me chicken and dumplings, a Balibrea family favorite. My cute grandma got me some workout leggings I wanted, a huge bag of peanut M+Ms, and a package of Coconut Dreams (Samoa) cookies. She also crocheted me a Valentine dish towel! She wrote me an awesome card, as she always does.

My mom got me a headphone holder, a new coat, a charm bracelet, an orchid (which I hope not to kill), and framed Maya Angelou quote.

My aunt Amy and her husband Sean got me a Cheesecake Factory gift card. Perfect, since we're going there this Saturday.

My dad sent me an Amazon gift card.

She and my grandma made a chocolate cake and a red velvet cake. We watched the Oscars, or what we could watch with the noise of children running around screaming.

On my birthday, I got up at 4:50 to run 3.33 miles for my birthday. In past years, it's been 5 miles, but I'm a little out of running shape, and I didn't want to start my run at 4:30. Plus it was 20 degrees outside. I donated plasma, and all went well. I arrived at work to donuts from Donut Star and a card from my coworkers. It was so nice! I also brought my flowers I bought myself to work so that I could brighten up my desk. I got a million birthday messages, texts, comments, and posts. It was so nice. I wore an outfit that makes me feel good, did a little more makeup than usual, brought my iPod to work to listen to my favorite music, and just tried to make it the best day possible for myself, with everyone else's help.

My boss took me to lunch, and several other coworkers came along, so that was nice! We went to Robin's Nest, which I love.

That evening, Matthew came over and made me delicious shrimp alfredo with roasted broccoli, Caesar salad, and Texas toast. It was so yummy. We just hung out and watched part of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I was wanting to watch one of those, "Seize the day" themed movies for my birthday. Others in that vein that I like include We Bought a Zoo, and Life or Something Like It.

My brothers all texted me, and I got some nice texts and Marco Polos throughout the day. I always feel like the actual day of my birth is a little anticlimactic. Sort of like Christmas. I mean Christmas never disappoints, but it's the anticipation that's fun, and then it's all over. So I'm always a little sad when my actual birthday is AFTER the festivities. Overall, it was a good birthday.

Tuesday, February 11 was actually a very interesting day. In the afternoon, I got a text message from my old boss at Alpine. He asked if I'd want to talk about coming back to work for them. That night, I got sushi with Kristen, who couldn't make it on Saturday for the escape room. She bought me dinner for my birthday, so nice!

Wednesday, February 12, we learned as a company that Debra, my immediate supervisor and best friend's mom, who brought me over to Millburn to work, was leaving the company the following Tuesday. So that made the timing of my old boss's text even more strange.

That day I also started the 3 Day Refresh program before my Saturday photo shoot. I took some liberties, like adding egg whites to my Shakeology, eating a full serving size of carrots, a bigger serving of avocado, etc. I added some bone broth, and ate an egg one morning. But for the most part, I stuck to it and felt pretty good on Saturday.

I also had a manicure and pedicure that day--my first ever pedicure! On March 1, my nails are holding strong and looking good!

February 13 had a pretty rough start. I left the plasma center thinking my bandage was tight enough. But then when I was at the light on my way to work, I felt a wetness on my arm. I had soaked through my bandages and had blood running all down my arm and the inside of my coat. I had to hurry and try to take my coat off while at the red light, and shove some napkins up under my bandage to hopefully stop the bleeding. It was a huge mess. I cleaned off my coat in the sink at work and think I did a decent job. But I was late to a meeting a few blocks away that I was volunteering to attend for work. I spilled my Starbucks everywhere when I went to reheat it. It was just one of those days.

That night, I made sugar cookies and put together my roommates' Valentine treats, got a spray tan, and chatted on the phone with my old boss.

Valentine's Day was not super eventful, since I was on the 3 Day Refresh and Matthew had to work. I did send many, many texts throughout the day to people I love, letting them know what I love about them. It's my favorite thing to do on Valentine's Day--spread love. I took Matthew his present, and he gave me one too--a pearl necklace that belonged to his mom. She gave it to him to give to his future wife. So that was a special moment. I've worn the necklace many times now and love it. We watched Mad Men, and then he had to go to work. I came home to a cute surprise from my mom. She brought me some Village Baker chocolate cake, my Ravenclaw scarf she crocheted, a balloon, and some Reese's hearts.

February 15, I went on a run and was pretty slow. I have gained some weight in the last few months, and haven't been running consistently due to weather and general lack of motivation in the winter. I did all my usual Saturday things (groceries, laundry, cleaning), picked up some cute cookies from Over the Top, went home, grabbed my stuff, and went to get my hair and makeup done for my photo shoot.

Cami did a great job; I was super happy with my makeup. Sadly, the curls in my hair didn't stay. When Natalie did my hair, she pinned my curls for a while afterward so they would hold. That seems to be what my hair needs, or else it won't hold curl. Anyway, I made it on time to my shoot. I did five outfits and really enjoyed my time there. I got boba at Kung Fu Tea afterward, and met Matthew at City Creek for our Valentine's date at Cheesecake Factory. Sadly, the lighting in that restaurant did NOTHING for me. Even Matthew was like, "You look like a stranger in these pictures, and you look like you have a mustache." So, I won't post my photo from dinner. You're welcome.

That night on Matthew's way out, I was holding Max to keep from running out the door. Matthew touched his belly, and he freaked out, probably because I was holding him in an awkward position. He scratched my stomach, my leg, the back of my shoulder, and punctured my face. I was dripping blood from my face but am grateful he didn't get my eye, which is what Matthew was concerned about. He stayed to help me clean up and try peroxide on the areas I could feel. I didn't know my stomach was scratched until the next day, and didn't know my shoulder was scratched until 8 days later.

February 16, we got breakfast at Black Bear Diner with my birthday freebie. I went to church and did my usual Sunday things. Mom invited me over for dinner, which was super yummy. We watched American Idol.

February 17, I met with the other two previous bosses at their office. It went well and was mostly a catch up, with a few questions like, "What additional skills would you bring back with you? What is your current salary? What did you not love about this company before you left?"

February 18, I got a phone call from the CEO with a job offer. Wednesday, the offer letter came via email and phone call from HR. I countered that night. Thursday, I got another call from the CEO accepting my counter. I sent in my acceptance.

My Matthew was my rock in this whole process. He encouraged me to ask for more, reassured me I was worth it, and that things would work out one way or another--that this could be leveraged to my advantage.

Friday, February 21, I gave notice to my boss over the phone, as she's located in South Carolina. That situation is always nerve wracking and stressful to me. She asked if there was anything she could do to make me stay, and what could be done on a daily basis to make me happier. She said a few times that selfishly she was really sorry to lose me. That was really nice to hear.

That night, we had dinner at Matthew's cousin's house; his mom made--a "keto lasagna." It was super good, and I'm not a huge fan of pepperoni and sausage and other such processed meats. But honestly, it was super tasty. Matthew, his parents, his cousin, and Jim were all there. After that, we went to Brownies! Brownies! Brownies! to give it a try, and we went back to Matthew's house and watched an episode of Mad Men, but I had to be up early on Saturday so I went home.

Saturday was a fun day. I had all my chores done before 11am, and met up with Ashleigh to go explore Park City Main Street, since she hadn't been before. It was nice to walk and talk with her, and we got lunch at Loco Lizard.

I took a nap and did some work on our quarterly report. Matthew had to work that night, so I got myself some popcorn and watched A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.

February 23 was Rachel's birthday, so naturally I texted her first thing! But I met up with Matthew at Sweet Lake Biscuits. Oh gosh. It was so, so good! I went home for my photo reveal appointment, and ended up loving about 138 photos, and not loving 33 of them. So, I went ahead and bought them all, of course. Not cheap, but I know I won't regret it down the line. Here are some cropped versions I feel OK sharing publicly.

I went to church, ran a couple of errands, and started on dinner preparation. I made macaroni salad for the first time in my life. It wasn't the type I was after. I wanted a thicker Hawaiian style mac, so I should've searched for that in the first place. Oh well. Matthew liked it. I went to the plasma center to check on my protein test results and went on a walk. Matthew came over. I grilled teriyaki chicken thighs, and made rice along with the mac salad, and we watched Mad Men.

Monday was FUN! Obviously normal workout and work day. But we went to dinner at Mo Bettah and went to Just Add Chocolate in Lehi for a chocolate making workshop! We each walked away with a 1/2 pound of chocolate. It was a really good time, and easier than I expected! They had so many options for fillings and toppings.

His candies

Chocolate with almonds, peanut butter filled,
macadamia nuts, almond joys, English toffee, chocolate covered Oreo

Tuesday, February 25, I got dinner with my friend Sunya at Itto Sushi. I believe I hit up Itto every week in February, so that must be some kind of record. I picked up Crumbl, and Matthew and I watched Mad Men after that.

Wednesday, I went to an ear-nose-throat specialist for the situation I've had in my face since December 9. By Feb 26, I had blown my nose all day every day for 80 days since having allergies back in December. After my allergies went away, this symptom remained. Super sick of it. He didn't find anything wrong, but said to use Flonase twice a day, and if it didn't get better we could run a sinus CT scan. Also that day, my boss broke the news to everyone via email about my departure. I got a lot of really nice emails. I had a trading class review after work, and I watched Walking Dead and Riverdale. Overall a really calm day.

Thursday, February 27, I picked up my free birthday pizza from Big Daddy's, and we watched Mad Men.

Friday, I got a sinus CT scan. I'm expecting it to say nothing is wrong. Using Flonase has me down to using maybe one tissue per hour, which is pretty good for me in the past almost three months. Matthew and I went and saw Jojo Rabbit. We both loved it.

Saturday, LEAP DAY! I did all my normal adult things, but also got notice from my longtime roommate Claire that she is moving out, so I spent some time updating my room for rent ad.

Matthew picked me up, and we got dinner at Lucky 13 and saw Singin' in the Rain with the Utah Symphony. I love the film symphony series so much!

Other February events include the death of my black moor that Matthew and I got on our anniversary. He died from ick. And I got a new little goldfish who's doing fine so far.

And as for the birthday freebies, here's what I did and did not use:

And that's a wrap for February. Overall a really good month with lots of change, and more to come in March, as I start my new (old) job on March 9.

Books I read in February:
Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed (audiobook)
The Burnout Generation by Anne Helen Petersen (audiobook)
The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life's Direction and Purpose by Oprah Winfrey (audiobook)
I'll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara (audiobook)


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