Mid-Year Evaluation

I can't believe the year is half over, and it feels like we haven't even really been allowed to do life, honestly. I'm going to take a look at [this post] and see where I'm at in terms of my habits and goals. 

-Possibly run another half, if my knee, hip, and feet can take it.
Halfway point: I have been running 1 mile between 3 and 4 times each week. I'm certainly not in a place to train for a half as I still feel like it's hard to breathe. And my hip hates me most days, though my knee and feet feel fine. I'm giving myself credit for running regularly, and for my pace being good! 

-Do stretch yoga 1-2x per week. I'm bad at this and know my body needs it.
Halfway point: I put "stretch" on my to-do list each Sunday. I think I have only missed once or twice this year. I've either done "Freestyle Flow" or "Re-Vibe" on my Morning Meltdown workouts. Now that that program is done, I'll just be using other Beachbody videos to continue being consistent. I would like to do more than once per week, but will give myself credit for where I'm at. I've also started my own workout program again, which usually means I forget to stretch after. I'll be trying to be more mindful of that with my new program. 

-Read (actual text/digital text) 12 books, and listen to 2 audiobooks per month (36 total).
Halfway point: I'm well ahead of the mark so far, but most of my reading has been audiobooks. I've made very little time for actual text, so I need to step up my game in this regard. 

-Keeping last year's goal to certify as as group fitness instructor, preferably Les Mills.
Halfway point: Since I did my behavior change certification, I don't feel a rush to do this. And also, group workouts and probably these classes and trainings are largely on hold. 

-Do 1-2 minutes every day of breathing to relax.
Halfway point: I haven't missed a single day since early January. I have almost 180 consecutive days on my Insight Timer app. 

-Recite daily affirmations.
Halfway point: I found a great Instagram account a few weeks ago called @thirdeyethoughts. It's been really helpful although I often try to think of the day ahead or a particular weakness I'm feeling strongly, and think of affirmations to say to myself. I put this on my daily checklist, so it always gets done! I think it's been great. My latest affirmation is, "My feelings are valid," courtesy of Matthew, who wants me to embrace my sensitivity. 

-Do some Gottman worksheets with Matthew to strengthen our relationship.
Halfway point: We've done several and will probably do more this year. We had a serious talk recently which inspired both of us to be a little more proactive about our relationship health. 

-Try to connect daily to my Creator.
Halfway point: I try every day. I am not successful every day. I've begun therapy and hope I can find my way back to my Creator in a way that works for me in my life and with my choices. 

-Read Jesus Calling on weekdays. Weekends are a bonus.
Halfway point: I pair this with my 2 minutes of breathing and meditation, so I haven't missed a day! 

Overall, I'm pleased with the life that I live and the progress I've made. I think I can add a challenge to my meditation and breathing and add more time to it. It'll just mean I need to wake up a little earlier. 

I also have a 20 for 20 list I made in my phone earlier this year. 

1. Do a paint night - Done 
2. Do three Gottman worksheets with Matthew - I think we've done at least two. 
3. Buy a bicycle - It's on my mind. I think I will soon.
4. Bake a new treat (like creme brulee) - Done. I made beignets with Matthew's help, and a creme brulee from a mix
5. Do an escape room - Done. I did this for my birthday.
6. Try a new fitness class - Haven't yet, thanks COVID.
7. Watch a black and white film - Haven't yet
8. Read an intuitive eating book - I purchased the book but haven't started it. I also follow the author on Instagram now.
9. Read a classic novel - Started. Little Women is going VERY SLOWLY for me.
10. Run an accountability group - Not yet
11. Go on a ski lift - I would like to do this but not sure if any are open due to COVID.
12. Visit Antelope Island in April and May - I didn't do this. I missed the window, and I will not go with the bugs being insane.
13. Visit the salt flats - This is on our summer plan.
14. Go on a hike - Done. We've done two together, and I did one alone. More planned. 
15. Tulip festival - I didn't do this due to COVID, but I didn't even do the online one that Thanksgiving Point offered. 
16. Take a weekend trip - Done. We went to St. George.
17. Learn a Christmas song on ukulele - Not yet
18. Send out Christmas cards - Not yet
19. Eat at Melting Pot - Not yet
20. Use my air fryer - Done. I use it all the time and upgraded to a bigger one! 

With a score of 6/20, I'm not thrilled at being halfway through the year. Two of these won't get done due to time frames: Antelope Island and Tulip Festival. So I have 12 left to attempt! 

I think given the challenges of 2020, things are going really well. I've also watched a lot more TV shows than I ever have in the past. This year, we've watched Mad Men, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and Umbrella Academy. I also watched This is Us, and started Downton Abbey. I actually am looking at this as a good thing, as there aren't too many things I do for myself that are completely leisurely. 

Halfway done, half to go. Let's hope we can work together to kick COVID's trash so we can get back to our featured presentation. 


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