I Said Yes!

On Sunday, Matthew asked me on a date for Monday. He said he really wanted pizza, and wanted to go to Settebello. 

Settebello is where we had one of our first dates in 2019. I had a free birthday pizza there. He picked me up at my work downtown, and we went to Settebello. After dinner, we sat in front of my work in his car for about three hours just talking about life and dating and things. 

So when he wanted to get dinner there, and told me to look nice, I wondered if he might be asking a question that night. But after dinner, we didn't go to South Temple Avenue. We went to Normal Club ice cream. Then he drove us up to Mt. Olympus Trailhead where the lookout was supposed to be pretty awesome. When we got there, it was all under construction. There were concrete barriers along the side of the road, a Honey Bucket, huge ditches, and it was a hot mess. 

The sunset was nice, so we ate our ice cream and stood outside for a while and took a few pictures.

He drove me back to his work where I parked. We went down 4500 south. 

We got there a little after 9pm, and he asked if I'd like him to come over for a little bit. I told him probably not, since I had plasma the next day and was really tired. 

I got home about 9:20, and got a text from Matthew at 9:22. 

Him: Be ready by 10
Him: I have some things I need to get off my chest

Me: Ready by 10? Ready for what? Bed?

Him: No. Don't change

Me: Okay. I just got home.

Him: I won't be able to sleep tonight until I talk to you.

Me: Okay. Are you okay??

Him: Yes I think 

Me: Do you need me to come out to your car?

Him: I'm just pulling up in handicap (9:36pm)

Me: Are you coming up or want me to come down?

Him: I'm coming up and then we are going somewhere. (9:37pm)

At that point, I had taken off my jewelry, put my hair up, and brushed my teeth. I knew if nothing was wrong, but it was urgent, that he probably had decided to ask the question. I stood in my kitchen talking with my roommate about it. 

He knocked and came in for a minute. Then we went down to his car. 

He drove us up Pioneer Road, right on 700 east, left on 9400 south, and went up past 1300 east. My head was bobbing. I was falling asleep I was so tired. Matthew had to turn around because he had gone too far. So we drove partway back down the hill to the Sandy Amphitheater. There were lots of cars everywhere, and a group of youths I didn't want to be near. He drove around until he found a spot that was a little bit off to ourselves. 

I got out of the car and walked to meet him at the trunk which he had popped open.

He started explaining. He said he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. He said the four other times he had tried had fallen through, and he realized there would be no perfect time, so he needed to do it now. He said he couldn't wait another day; he needed me in his life now. He told me he loved me and wanted to spend his life with me. He pulled out the (36!) red roses and handed them to me. He reached into his pocket, got down on one knee, and asked me with tears on his face to spend my life with him. (I do wish I had some audio or something recorded; I'm never good at remembering all the sweet words.)

I looked at the ring in his hand and was blown away; I had fully expected a fake one, not the one I had originally chosen back in January. Or if it had been the one I chose, I expected a synthetic diamond or a zirconium. No, friends. It was real. And it was beautiful. I was stressed and overwhelmed at what it had cost him--just in total disbelief, really. I knew the proposal was coming. I didn't know the ring would be what it was!

I said of course! He put the ring on my finger and stood up to kiss me while I was holding the noisy bagged roses. We kissed and kissed. 

We talked for a few minutes. He told me what his other plans had been. He had wanted to take me to see the meteor shower on Saturday night after dinner with his friend Amanda, but I had been stomach sick all day. He thought maybe he could try for a hike on Sunday morning, but wasn't sure I'd feel better. I ended up sleeping in that morning; he wasn't pushy about the hike so I didn't even try to get up for it! But that was going to be his second attempt. Lastly, he really wanted to do it at a beautiful place like the Mount Olympus Trail up on the east bench, but with the construction, he had to abort that idea. 

After taking me to my car and starting to go home, he decided it had to be tonight, so he sent me that text, got roses at Harmon's, and came to get me. He also told me how he wanted me to have a real ring; he said I deserved it, and he wanted to show me that he could do that for me, to take steps to prove himself as a provider. I love so much about this. 

We went back to my house where we took photos, sent texts to all our family and friends before posting online, and talked and kissed. 

He didn't leave until probably 11:30pm. 

It's hard to know if I should even add any details or thoughts or feelings to the story because sometimes it just doesn't do justice to any of it. His plans that fell through break my heart. His eagerness to "just do it" is so endearing. His concern that he had no one to take pictures makes me grateful he cares about memories. His worry over whether I liked the ring made me feel guilty--of course I loved it! It's the one I wanted most! His determination to get me a real ring, and the effort he went to to have it made for me make me feel humble and thankful. 

Today I feel overwhelmed and stressed. Overwhelmed in good ways by all the outpouring of love and excitement. Stressed because even a small wedding requires planning. But also, I'm incredibly excited to get to do life with this person who loves me in ways I never thought I'd be loved. 

Big events bring lots of thoughts and feelings. After 5 hours of sleep last night, I'm mostly real excited to go to bed tonight. But don't worry, I am pumped to marry my best friend too! I'm grateful he chose me. 


Kathie Batt said…
It’s gorgeous!! And I am so happy for you Nae Nae

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