September in Review
September 1 started the month off with a bang, since we got our engagement photos done by the fabulous Fox Sloane Photo. We loved how they turned out. We got Panda Express after our photos since I was starving and feeling sick from being so hungry.
Wednesday, September 2, I made dinner for Matthew and I--just pasta, shrimp, and veggies. We also went to the movies to see Tenet. It confused both of us, me more so than Matthew.
September 3, Matthew stayed home studying. I got my tires rotated, got a car wash, tried on wedding dresses from Amazon at home, and fixed a snap on one of my jumpsuits (again). It was an exciting day because we got our engagement photos from Ali (SO FAST!). I started subbing all our photos in the invites I created. My roommate also switched rooms, opening up the middle room for us to use as a guest room/office.
Friday, September 4, I had to return a dress (it was sent with human hair and dog fur all throughout it, so they issued me an immediate refund). We got B&D Burgers for dinner. We finished doing our honeymoon fund website and our wedding registry. We published our Facebook page and started inviting everyone to join. We spent time doing that the next half hour or so. We had a little bit of family drama that evening as well, but we got through it.
September 5 I didn't do Orange Theory because I had been dealing with back spasms during the week. I did my normal cleaning/laundry/grocery shopping, and did a leg workout at home. I also moved my desk/monitor/etc. into the middle bedroom. Matthew and I got Mo Bettahs with his parents to talk about the wedding. We got Culver's and some Crumbl cookies afterward.
Sunday, September 6 I went on a walk and booked plane tickets for our wedding. We went to dinner at Matthew's brother's house, just a small group of us. It was my first time meeting Matthew's baby niece Georgia. So cute!
On Labor Day, I had fun in my community gym doing biceps/back/shoulders and running. I moved more stuff into the middle room. Matthew came over, and we went to see Bill & Ted Face the Music. We loved it. Matthew made shrimp/veggie kebabs, and we went back over to his brother's house for some Labor Day dinner. All the food was super yummy.
Tuesday, September 8 I did lots of wedding stuff, including dress shopping at David's Bridal with Rachel. I picked a dress, but their computers were down, so I didn't pay for anything. That night I had second thoughts because she hadn't brought me any of the dresses I showed her to try on, and two of the ones I liked could arrive in time, contrary to what she told me (that they wouldn't arrive until December). I also reserved our spot on the beach, made an appointment to get our marriage license, booked a car rental (flights on Sunday), and booked the hotel for our wedding night. It wasn't all as happy as it sounds. I couldn't get our planned time at the beach, and it cost way more than I expected. Plus they said we could only have FOUR people. haha. ha. OK. Thanks, California.
September 9, I made lots of appointments, including my car oil change, an eye exam, and another appointment at David's Bridal to try on the two dresses she hadn't brought me on Tuesday. I also had to order new prints of our invites since the time changed. It felt like a productive day. Matthew & I went to the Habit to get a free burger for his birthday, and also got BOGO at Cold Stone.
Thursday, September 10, I worked more on invites. I also tried on two more dresses at David's Bridal and ordered the one I wanted. It was a miracle because all the other sizes of the same dress were back ordered until December. The dress I wanted in my size and color was the only one that would arrive on time. I was so thankful! That evening, Matthew and I worked for a couple of hours on wedding stuff.
On 9/11, I saw one of my students at the bank. She works there as a teller, so that was cute that she said hi. I cleaned my house and started laundry. I bought myself dinner from Chili's and watched Downton Abbey while I waited for Shivani & her husband Michael to get to my place. We were up until midnight talking. As always.
Saturday, September 12 was an exciting day. It was my bridal shower at Rachel's house up in Heber. She did an awesome setup. Belgian waffles with all the toppings, fruit cups, bacon, quiches, mini muffins, a tea/hot chocolate setup, and more. We played "How Well Do You Know the Bride?" and "What's in your purse?" I opened presents and took pictures with all the attendees except Brittney and Kristine who had to leave early. I am so grateful for these women and the ones who couldn't make it. The love and acceptance they offer me is beyond what anyone should expect.

After the shower, I drove Shivani through Midway so she could see it. We chatted all the way home and at my house. She left, and I did client check-ins, got groceries, made Matthew's cake, and went through some Sterilite drawers for donations and trash.
September 13 was Matthew's birthday. We went to Black Bear Diner for his free birthday breakfast. We went to Dutch Bros. We hung out at home all day and did basically nothing, which I needed, and he was OK with. We got Wingstop (for his free birthday fries) for an early dinner and watched Schitt's Creek. We also watched Lord of the Rings Two Towers. He opened his presents, and I sang to him. We had cake later that night.
Monday, September 14, was a little lower key day. After work, we met up with Jim and Matthew's parents for dinner to celebrate his birthday. We went to El Matador. I got a tostada, and it was actually really good. I wasn't a fan of their warm salsa. It sort of tasted like vegetable soup, so... hard pass on the salsa next time.
September 15 I got an oil change and packed for my work trip. I had a leftover waffle from my bridal shower for dessert. That was definitely a highlight, in addition to the pizza Matthew and I shared that night. We also opened a joint checking account!
Wednesday, September 16, I donated plasma, went in to work for a few minutes, then drove down to Lehi to meet up with my boss and his wife. We drove from there down to Provo to fly his plane into Idaho Falls. It took about an hour and 15 minutes--much better than a 3 hour 15 minute drive! When we got in, we headed to lunch. We got groceries and tried to check into our hotel. There was some confusion in that the Holiday Inn we were booked at was NOT the address listed on Google. So that was frustrating, but it all worked out fine. After checking in, we had to go get fishing licenses. So we did that and then went to the airport to pick up Jake & Korry (company presidents in CO and AZ). We took them back to the house and waited for the other two to arrive so we could go to dinner at Jaker's. Jaker's was SO good, but we all ate way too much. Then we went back to the house and played Cover Your Assets, which was pretty fun.
September 17, I was up early to work out and get ready. I took the boss and his wife to the spot they were meeting for fishing. I left there and went to the house for some things, went to breakfast, went to Wal-mart for some work stuff, went to Jiffy Lube, and went back to the house to work. I left there with only enough time to stop at one store recommended by the boss's wife. It was called Love at First Bite. Since I didn't know when everyone would be done fishing, I only spent 10 minutes in there. Too bad, because it was really cute, and I could've spent all day in there. I left with a cupcake and a chocolate almond cluster. I waited at the meet up area for 45 minutes for everyone to get back, so I could've spent more time. Oh well. We left there and went back to the hotel for everyone to freshen up. We went to Mackenzie River for dinner, which I really enjoyed all around. My fish & chips were awesome. We all headed home after that--no games.
Friday, September 18, I got myself a Dutch Bros and took the company car to Les Schwab for some repairs. I had the others from the house pick me up on the way back to the hotel. We had a meeting all day. So we met downstairs and set everything up. Breakfast was awesome. The presentations were all really good. Lunch was from Burger Theory. It was yummy, but I was still full from breakfast, so I overate and didn't feel well the rest of the day. I got a ride from the hotel to pick up the car, so I missed some of one presentation. The weather looked a little sketchy, so we didn't fly home. We drove. I didn't get back to my house until 9:30 at night. My introvert battery was dead long before this, and just about every day since Wednesday. Overall though, it was a really fun change of pace, albeit a little stressful and maybe not as fun-filled for me as everyone else who got to go fishing. Still, I was treated well and enjoyed myself.
September 19, I slept in. I kept resetting my alarm until I woke up at 9am. I was so wiped out from the week. When I finally got up, I cleaned my house, did laundry, walked on the treadmill due to bad air, and got groceries. I talked to my awesome dad, who is going to help me with wedding stuff, and had me get a hotel room for the night before my wedding. I also cut an entire wig of hair off of my vacuum roller, since it wasn't rolling very well. But that wasn't the problem. Oh well, it needed it. I worked on clearing out some of my closet, and really need this organizer from our registry to feel like my life is organized. I had some things left on my bedroom floor from moving my desk to the middle room, so I got that pile taken care of and feel better about my bedroom currently. Matthew came over and we got Itto Sushi for dinner and the Pumpkin Oreo cookie at Crumbl, which I felt was just OK.
Sunday, September 20, I got Starbucks and picked up Krispy Kreme for Matthew's birthday. He came over a little before 11am so we could introduce his dog to my cat. It was a long process, but it went well. Only two mildly annoyed meows from Max, but no hissing or arched back. Matthew went home and fell asleep all day. I cleaned out my closet. I have three bags of clothes to get rid of and a box of donations. I freed up more than half the closet for Matthew to move in, and felt really accomplished. I went and hung out with my mom for a couple of hours. When I got home, I heated up some food and watched Downton Abbey.
Monday, September 21 was a regular day, except I was super tired and had to move my plasma appointment to after work. I got Costa Vida and had therapy. Then I watched Downton Abbey.
September 22, we went to R&R for lunch for Brittney's last day at Alpine. I'm glad we're friends so her absence from work doesn't really affect our friendship. I made dinner for Matthew & I: chicken, stuffing, potatoes, and salad.
Wednesday, September 23, I was turned away from plasma for low protein (I didn't eat much the day before). I started to write my vows that day, too! And I made invites for a shower my mom and grandma threw for me.
September 24, Matthew's mom came over to pin my Friday night dress for hemming. Matthew didn't stay for long, so I got myself a waffle and watched Downton Abbey.
Friday, September 25 was an emotional day. My shower down in CA was canceled and was told my shower up here was canceled (but we ended up having it anyway). I cleaned my house so I wouldn't have to do it on Saturday. Matthew came to bring me flowers and give me a hug because I was on the struggle bus that day. We got pizza, and we watched Schitt's Creek.
September 26 was a standard Saturday of workout, groceries, cleaning, laundry, and client check-ins. I picked up my wedding dress in Layton and had Matthew's mom pin it for me so she could alter and hem it. Matthew came over later, and we got Macaroni Grill for dinner and The Scoop for dessert. We watched Schitt's Creek and unloaded some boxes/stuff from his car. He has officially started to move his things in! I believe I got a mosquito bite while we waited for our table.
Sunday, September 27, I decorated for Halloween.
Matthew brought his dog over again to introduce him to my cat. Second attempt didn't go too well. Max hissed a couple of times, but got closer than before. We drove through American Fork canyon to see the fall colors and ended up at Pier 49 Pizza in Provo for family dinner. Matthew's brother and his wife bought it! It was super fun to make our own pizzas and see behind the scenes.
September 28, I had an eye appointment to get contacts. It took two hours. I was really bothered by that, since they dilated me and I waited for an hour before the doctor saw me. I donated plasma after work and spent time with Matthew that evening.
Tuesday, September 29, I went to High Fitness in the morning. Always a fun time. I worked and then got ready for my family bridal shower. Mom and grandma hosted. They bought me Donut Star donuts by request, and mom also made hot chocolate from scratch. April, Zoey, Amy, Marla, Jessica, Chloe, Whitley, and my SIL Jenn came. There were eventually a lot of kids, which I didn't expect. We did the "how well do you know the bride?" game and the "what's in your purse?" game. Whit won the first one, and Jess won the second. Everyone wrote down date ideas for me on popsicle sticks. And I opened presents. It was a nice time, and I know everyone went to a lot of work to make it happen and took time out of their lives to come. That always means more to me than anything: people's time.
September 30, I practiced wearing contacts for a full day. It was not my favorite thing; I only made it to 3pm. I picked up some delicious cookies after work. That evening, Matthew and I went to Pizza Studio and used our Cornbelly's passes for the first time. It wasn't busy at all, which was super nice.