March in Review

Honestly, these posts are tedious. But I think I'll appreciate them someday. I hope? 

March 1 I went on a walk, and the sky had these purple, pink, and blue layers in the west. It was awesome. I had a chiropractor appointment, my first one to start addressing my issue of having a straight neck--which causes me lots of pain. I also picked us up some cookies from Crave in Midvale. Biscoff explosion, coconut cream pie, and Nutter Butter. 

March 2, the sky did the same thing! Matthew and I used my birthday freebie at The Habit. Then we went to Trader Joe's to get me some coffee boba coconut ice cream. I liked it, but I think since it was non-dairy the flavor wasn't as strong. Lots of boba though, which I love! We also got to try a Danish Kringle from Trader Joe's!

March 3, another lovely sunrise. Check out the photos just 5 minutes apart! And we made salad with chicken for dinner. 

March 4, Matthew and I got to have lunch together, which we never do. He was near my work to get fingerprints done. I had my second chiropractor adjustment. That evening I drove to Midway to have dinner with Rachel for her belated birthday. 

March 5, another beautiful sunrise! Also had to pick up some award plaques for work downtown. And another salad for dinner. 

Saturday, March 6 was busy! I ran 1 mile, but took a walking break in between each half. We did our normal stuff: cleaning, laundry, groceries. I also did client check-ins. Matthew went to Wal-mart and hung up some photos for me so we could get ready for his mom to come. We didn't realize she was staying with us, so we did some scrambling to clean up the hallway bathroom a little more thoroughly. That evening, the three of us went to Texas Roadhouse. We went to The Scoop afterward to let Dianne try their ice cream. We also got a text that Sunday family dinner was canceled, so we had to make other arrangements.

March 7 I went to the grocery store and got spaghetti supplies. I saw a blimp in the air when I drove to the store and saw it landing when I left the store. Then it went back up in the air! We watched testimony meeting online; it was just as frustrating as ever (even with the bishop reminding everyone to keep them short and Savior-centered). That afternoon, Dianne went to meet up with Matthew's sister, and we went on a walk with the dog. That evening, we had Jim come over for dinner, so it was the four of us who had salad, spaghetti, and bread. We watched 10 Things I Hate About You. 

Monday, March 8 Matthew's mom left to their cousin's house. I had lunch with my cute SIL Whitney at Even Stevens in Draper. I had my third chiropractor adjustment. We had leftovers for dinner. Matthew got me flowers for women's day! So unexpected and so sweet of him. 

March 9, I had a wax appointment and picked up our pizza supplies for the Yelp event the following evening. I also got us some Nielsen's concretes since I was in the area. 

Wednesday, March 10 I had my fourth chiropractor adjustment. That evening, we had a Yelp Zoom event making pizzas. It was fun, and Matthew averted a crisis and was able to get his pizza from the cutting board onto the pizza stone. I didn't make my crust thin enough, but it all tasted fine! We watched Walking Dead from Sunday night. 

March 11 I had a doctor's appointment. My doctor said it was crusty in my sinus, so he had me add baby shampoo to my sinus rinse, which has not been my favorite thing. It was a rough appointment where I basically learned that I was still colonized by MRSA and would need to start another antibiotic. I shed a lot of tears again. That evening, my mom came over to look at old photos. She brought us Mo Bettahs which was really nice. 

March 13, I went to Orange Theory! First time in a long time, and it went really well. Matthew and I got dinner at Cheesecake Factory. I made a reservation almost two weeks ahead because I had free slices I needed to use, and gift cards!

Sunday, March 14 we watched church on TV. We also took dinner to our friends out in Saratoga Springs. We got Chipotle. It was fun to sit with them. We also brought chocolate silk pie. 

Monday, March 15 we were supposed to have a video lesson with the missionaries, but they canceled with Matthew 5 minutes before we were supposed to start. That bothered me, but I guess things come up for all of us. 

March 16, I got an unexpected Amazon package. It was my dad just sending me a random gift--a Harry Potter music box. He is the cutest. 

March 17 - I went to Waffle Love with Brittney, and never remember to get a dang picture of us. But it is always good to catch up with her.

March 18, I had lunch at Gourmandise with Matthew's sister Jacque. It was nice to chat with her and get to know her better. I also had a chiropractor appointment that day. I got dinner with Kristen that evening at Slapfish. In other funny news, the dog got too scared of road noises to continue on our evening walk. So he pitched a fit and lay down. 

March 20 - I went to Orange Theory (barely made it off the wait list.) We went to Kaylin's baptism, which I held the camera for the Zoom. She was so excited and cute. Little Tori took some photos with my phone, so that was fun to look at later. After that we drove to pick up our Biscoff taste off kit and get groceries. Our taste off was OK. Nothing really blew me away, honestly. But it was still fun. 

She was very happy to have lipstick on from Aunt Jacque.

Tori took this of me. 

March 22 - We had a date night at Mint Sushi. Matthew scheduled it. It was a 10 course tasting. Everything was REALLY good. Since we didn't know what to expect, we had anticipated a little more variety in menu items, like maybe some sushi rolls or tempura appetizers or something. It was all meat. The presentation was lovely. The people next to us on the left asked to be moved after he heard me cough, so that made me a little self-conscious. 

Here are just four courses!

March 23 we watched Walking Dead from Sunday. 

Wednesday, March 24 I went to the chiropractor again. In general I feel better, but sometimes I have a wonky sleep position and wake up very sore and stiff and uncomfortable. That evening, my mom and Matthew met me at the T Mobile store to get me off the family plan and onto Matthew's plan. It turned out that the representatives we spoke to over the phone couldn't do a change of ownership that way, even though the rep in store said that he had just done it a few days ago. It was all done via digital form. And I had to walk out of there still on my family's plan, but I did get a new phone. It's so much smaller. I love it. Matthew and I ate at Goodwood after, then I had to take my mom's phone back to her in Lehi. I went to Walmart for a new phone case and screen cover, then got home around 9 or so. It was a long day. 

March 25 - I had my annual physical with Dr. Spain. I explained I was frustrated about my thyroid dosage going up last year, likely due to my weight increase. But I said I am not in a place to diet right now and think I can be healthy without losing weight. He didn't disagree, just listened. He said the fact that I exercise often and eat well are the factors he feels are most important. I am waiting for his comments on my blood work, which I'm not super thrilled about (not sure how to read my A1C, but I have low thyroid again and somewhat elevated LDL). 

Friday, March 26 I got an oil change, woohoo adulting! We started cleaning and laundry after work since Saturday would be busy. Matthew went to Fleming's with his brothers and a friend. I met up with Joyce for waffles. I wanted to try the coffee waffle. Honestly, the only thing "coffeeish" about the waffle was the little ground up espresso beans on top of the whipped cream. It wasn't anything to write home about; I'd rather have my usual founder's favorite. But the highlight of the day is that my orchid bloomed! I've kept it alive since my birthday in 2020! I am so proud and excited. 

March 27 - I started laundry, went to Orange Theory, dropped off a box at DI, and went home to get ready for Brittney's baby shower. There were a ton of people at the shower! I chatted with Kristine and also a little with Brittney's friend who I hadn't met before, plus Dora, and said hi to Joclynn. It was fun that all these common friends were there. Brittney came away with a lot of stuff! I came home and had leftovers for lunch, got groceries, and came home. Matthew and I went to Itto sushi for dinner, then grabbed The Scoop afterward for a treat. And I brought my last antibiotic (like literally pill #28 of 28) with me to take, but LEFT IT ON THE TABLE. Oh my gosh. I called the restaurant, assuming they threw it away. Then I called my doctor after hours to see if I needed a single doxycycline pill to finish the entire round. The on-call doctor said not to worry about it. But I'm still bothered not to have finished. After all that, we watched the Falcon & Winter Soldier on Disney Plus. 

Progress on the bloom

Sunday, March 28 we tried to watch church on TV, but I got distracted, and Matthew needed to walk away for a little while. We went to Costco for some things. We also got food court lunch and ate in the car with my dance playlist on. We prepped salad at home because we brought it to dinner with Matthew's family. One of his brothers (and his fam) was in town. Over 30 people at Chad & Jordyn's house! Holy moly. All the food was good, and it was nice to talk with everyone: Chad/Jordyn and kids, Ricky/Melissa and kids (minus Juliet), Jacob/Shelley and kids, Ethan/Whitney and kids, Jarrett/Jen and kids, Jacque and kids, and some neighbors of Chad/Jordyn and their daughter. It was quite the crowd. We got home close to 9, and I had to get some steps in to keep my step streak going. 

Sophie & Georgia

Owen just wanted to talk to "Mafew"

Aunt Jacque after "Mafew" handed him off

March 29 we had pizza at Pier 49 in Provo with Matthew's family. I spent a lot of time visiting with Melissa. It's fun to get to know the sisters-in-law that live far away. We didn't get home until close to 9.

Tuesday, March 30, Matthew made roast and invited his cousin Harrison over. I don't love roast, but he did a great job; it was really good. We also had creme brulee that we bought from Costco, complete with torched sugar. We watched Sunday's Walking Dead after Harrison left. 

Wednesday, March 31 I had a chiropractor appointment where he actually addressed some shoulder pain I've been experiencing. It really helped. (I've had to use a neck wedge every night before bed. My self-care routine with that, plus the sinus rinse, takes me a really long time at night.) We had lunch at Tsunami for my boss's birthday. That evening we ate some leftovers, watched the Good Place, and I watched Call the Midwife while Matthew did some trainings for work. 

Overall I think March was a decent month. We did some fun things, but it felt pretty calm. Crazy to think we are a year into the madness of COVID. But at least I can find toilet paper and tissue without a problem, right? 

Books I read in March:
- Grit by Angela Duckworth (audiobook)
- You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero (audiobook)

I also read a good chunk of Memories in the Drift by Melissa Payne. But I'll finish in April for sure. 


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