May in Review

Saturday, May 1 we were up early, at Dutch Bros for a sticker, and on our way to Antelope Island for an adventure. We arrived at about 9:30am and paid to get onto the island. We went to the visitors' center and waited for it to open up. After wandering and reading about the island, we purchased a magnet for me and some face nets to help us fight the bugs. We drove over to Buffalo Point and did a short moderate hike, battling bugs the whole way. After that, we drove over to the Frary Ranch and spent quite a bit of time looking at all the points of interest and taking some photos. It was cool to see the shearing station and old farming equipment. 

After we got home, we finished up the cleaning and did some more laundry. I did my client check-ins while Matthew took my car to get washed. He cleaned it inside and out. I'm so grateful. I'm so bad at keeping my car clean. He brought home Wing Stop, and we watched Raya and the Last Dragon. My mom stopped by to pick up something during the movie, but we finished the movie after. 

On May 2 we took it fairly easy but had some catching up to do from Saturday. I got groceries. Matthew ran a few errands. I planted some pothos and cleaned the fish tank. I read and watched some shows. That evening, we did a family Zoom for my mother-in-law's mission "farewell."

Monday, May 3 I went to Smith's during the workday. A woman had been pushed down by her husband in the parking lot. A passer-by saw it and proceeded to verbally assault the husband for pushing his wife. I wasn't sure what to do, so I got the license plate number and called the Draper police just to ask them to check on her. I didn't actually see her get pushed, but if there is something happening to her at home, I'd like to know that the police at least checked on her. 

On May the 4th I got Matthew a new Star Wars shirt, some light saber chopsticks, and Star Wars Mad Libs. We went and got Chinese food together, which happens for me like once per year. The honey walnut shrimp was what I wanted and completely hit the spot. 

On Cinco de Mayo, Matthew made himself tacos and made me fajitas. We watched Coco. 

May 6 I walked with my neighbor and went to get a Biscoff Shake from Waffle Love. It did not look like the picture they advertised, but it was good.

On Friday, May 7 we drove down to Lehi to watch our nephew's game. But we heard from his mom right when we got to the exit that the game was canceled due to freakishly high winds. I had wondered about that earlier in the day. So we made the best of it and picked up Cold Stone on our way home and watched the movie Palmer with Justin Timberlake. I loved it!

May 8 we went to Red Robin for dinner and got McD's cones for a treat later. 

On Mother's Day, we went to the Bees game for our first ball game in almost two years! So crazy! We picked up Jamba Juice and brought it to my mom and grandma's, along with gifts and flowers. We just hung out and chatted and ate their leftovers. I also tried really hard to save the goldfish I've had for a while. She got Dropsy. We need a new fish tank and gravel and everything started from scratch, and maybe try to get a fish that isn't prone to illness. 

May 10 we got some free cookies from Goodly and went to Target trying to find me a bike. It's been a fruitless and frustrating search to find a hybrid bike that is my size.

On Tuesday, May 11 I did a little bit of shopping to prepare for the women's retreat in St. George.

On May 12, I got my first myofascial massage. It was AWFUL. It was honestly excruciating, but it felt really productive. I signed up to go again. We will see how my second time goes! Hopefully I don't rip a sheet from pain. I had bruises on my left thigh; he overdid it there. 

Thursday, May 13 I had lunch with my friend Natalie at Fueled! I did some laundry before my trip. We went to dinner at Itto Sushi and went to Five Below, but they closed super early, so we didn't really get to wander. 

On May 14, I took a half day at work and then left for St. George for the women's retreat. I stopped in Fillmore to use the restroom and ran into my ex fiancee on the way out. The place was so busy, and had I taken 30 seconds longer or been 30 seconds earlier in the restroom, we would've missed each other. But we were both walking out right at the same time. Life is crazy. I got to St. George at 4:35 right after the gender reveal by Stephanie, my sister in law. I helped Stephanie and Amelia pick up Cafe Rio and Nothing Bundt Cakes. I had to do a silly initiation as well which I'm not allowed to post. That night I went on a walk with my other sister in law Emily to finish getting my steps in. 

Saturday, May 15 I went on a run before it got too hot in St. George. There was a long family history presentation about Martha Brown, a great grandmother in the family. Shivani picked me up to spend a few hours in our Saturday free time. We got Dutch Bros, chatted, and got Jamba Juice. I did do client check-ins remotely from my phone as well. I thought about going to the pool, but it was too windy, and I heard the water was cold, which was unfortunate. That evening, there was a presentation on mindfulness by a life coach. It was really good. Then we did the Favorite Things gift exchange. Kelly got my bath salts. And I got Anna Marie's gift: dark chocolate sea salt caramels, a dark chocolate bar, sparkling pink lemonade, and her homemade pecan chocolate chip cookies. I was excited! I connected with a few different women that day and was glad to get to know more family members.

May 16 I went on a long walk since I knew I'd be in the car. If I only knew how LONG I'd be in the car, I would've enjoyed my walk even more. We had a really good lesson by Stephanie about trusting in our divine right to God's love and presence. She did an awesome job. We also took a group photo and then some smaller group photos/selfies. I left at about 1:20, got Dutch Bros, filled up at Costco, and headed on my way. I realized less than an hour in that traffic was stopped past Beaver. I guess some kind of big rig caught fire and backed up traffic for over an hour. I decided to get off in Beaver to go to the Creamery, enjoy some ice cream, and see if I could dodge the traffic. No such luck. I spent 40 minutes there, got back in the car, and still hit traffic. Google maps told me 2 minutes too late to take the 70 freeway as a detour. So I had to wait until the next exit to backtrack to the 70 and do that. It ended up being an extra 30 miles. I didn't get home until 7:00, and I got on the freeway at 1:40. Five hours and 20 minutes should've been 3 hours and 50 minutes, but I was stopped in Beaver for 40 minutes. Things could've been much worse. When I got home, Matthew had flowers and theater popcorn waiting for me, laundry/sheets done, groceries shopped/put away, and dinner cooked and ready.  I was so grateful for all he did while I was gone. 

Monday, May 17 Matthew fell asleep on the couch after work. When he woke up, he found me in the bath tub eating popcorn. He was wildly amused by it. 

May 18 we got waffles at Waffle Love. We keep having subpar experiences at the Midvale location; super frustrating.

Wednesday, May 19 was just a standard day: work, cook dinner, watch tv shows (separately in this instance). 

May 20 we went to Mo Bettahs for dinner and got McDonald's soft serve on our way home.

Friday, May 21 we had Amanda and Spencer over for the Utah Taste Off. Cookies & Cream was the kit! I picked up the kit in Lehi after work. We straightened up the house a little bit and set everything up. My favorite was the cheesecake, then the donut, the cinnamon bun, and the donut. Spencer and Matthew also liked the cheesecake, and Amanda liked the cinnamon bun. It was fun to chat with them.

May 22 we did the normal things: cleaning and laundry. I went to Orange Theory. We got ready and headed down to Lehi for the Dough Show! I felt really rushed because people weren't listening to directions and formed a long snake line instead of just walking up to open tables. And vendors were running out of donuts since we were the last session. We didn't get to have #15 or 16, and one of those was San Diablo who gave us a free churro coupon. I guess #18 was a no show. It was a really fun experience. We tried lots of good donuts and got lots of fun photos. 

Sunday, May 23 we had a lazy day. I watched This is Us and Up. We also watched Army of the Dead which was way longer than we prepared for. And we got Wingstop since we didn't prepare anything for dinner. 

May 24 we picked up dinner at Blaze Pizza and took it out to see Brittney and Tyler and their new two week old precious girl, Blakely. It was nice to sit and chat with them and hold such a new spirit. 

Tuesday, May 25 we went downtown to see a bike I found on KSL. Turned out that the guy had listed two bikes on KSL, and brought a different one than what I had looked at. But it was a happy accident because the one he brought was actually smaller than the one I was looking at. I was a little disappointed to find out the next day that it was a 10 year old bike; I probably would've tried to talk him down if I had seen the listing. But I paid $300 for it ($100 less than the other bike was), and it's a nice bike: Specialized Vita Comp hybrid. I'm looking forward to getting more competent on it. I'm still nervous not to be able to touch my feet to the ground when I am sitting. We stopped at Crumbl on our way home so I could try the Kentucky Butter Cake cookie. I REALLY liked it. I am not loving Crumbl in general lately, so I'm always surprised when I really like a cookie. That evening, I was in bed by 9pm. I was insanely tired.

May 26 I went to Orange Theory; I rarely go during the week, but wanted to use the four visits I pay for. I stopped by Koodegras after work for a free CBD bath bomb, which I love using. I made dinner. We got some gas with our Smith's rewards, and I rode my bike around the neighborhood to practice. Riding a large bike as an adult is actually a learning curve! We also booked our Nauvoo trip and a Wendover overnight trip. I love being intentional with our summer. I like to have lazy time but also like to be sure we squeeze in all fun things. 

Thursday, May 27 we went to see Quiet Place 2! I had pre-ordered tickets to this in early 2020, and it got canceled due to COVID. I was so excited to finally see it a year and almost three months later! It did not disappoint! Also, I discovered some travel techniques and ended up being able to use our Delta companion pass and Turo for a car rental. So instead of paying the $1,023 we had scheduled the night before, I did our trip for $584 (depending on Ubers to/from the airport to get the car). We are going July 7-11. 

May 28, I struggled all day with a sinus headache and sinus pressure. I left work early and took a nap. Instead of going on our date, Matthew picked up pizza, and we watched Notting Hill. I had never seen it. I really liked the movie, but I did not like Julie Roberts' character. I found her pretty character-less, honestly. Super bland and boring character. 

Hanging out waiting for dad and pizza

Love the slobber on his face. 

From my morning bike ride

Saturday, May 29 I had another one of those terrible myofascial massages, but he did my neck and shoulders instead of my legs, and honestly it was a lot better this time. Plus, I had full range of motion in my neck afterward and wanted to cry from happiness. It was awesome. I tried to take a bath per my massage therapist's instructions, and encountered a spider on my bath pillow, so that was gross. That night, we went to dinner at Red Lobster and got cookies from Crave for dessert. Allergies hurt my throat on Saturday. 

May 30 the sinus issue moved mostly into my ears instead of my throat. I'm not sick or laid up, but man it sucks to struggle with allergies. Grateful it's not a full blown sinus infection. We went to Costco and then headed to American Fork to hike up to Timp Caves! It was a really tough hike, but the caves were so cool! The hour tour went by really fast. Going down was easy, and we saved our knees and toes by zigzagging down the trail. We looked funny, but it helped a ton. That evening we started to watch Trying on Apple TV. 

Memorial Day I rode my bike for a while and then walked. I wasn't supposed to lift (per my massage therapist), and didn't feel up for anything crazy after that hike. Matthew prepared corn for elote, and we took that over to Jarrett and Jenn's. We had Shelley & Jacob and their kids, Jacque & Ziggy, Jim, and us, so not a huge group. We ate and hung out, then went home. We grabbed ice cream from The Scoop on our way home, and just hung out the rest of the evening. We restarted Ted Lasso because it's the best. 

Overall it's been a really good month with really great weather. I'm excited for our summer and some of the plans we've already made for June! Grateful I get to do life with this man who makes me laugh every day. 

Books I read in May: 

Start with Why by Simon Sinek (audiobook)
Dear Girls by Ali Wong (audiobook)
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry (audiobook)


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