August in Review

Sunday, August 1 Matthew and I went to church and to the farmers market for produce. I also got groceries and picked up a prescription. He had Netflix "play something," and it put on Manifest. I actually am really into it, even though it's a little silly. Matthew made me some caprese for dinner using the tomatoes from the farmers market. August 2 was a fairly busy work day for me. I was happy to see a clear blue sky. I made chicken strips at home for dinner (homemade), and watched Manifest. Tuesday, August 3 was pretty uneventful. Matthew had a rough day at work, and I got waxed. Rough day for us all, I guess! ;) August 4 we went to visit my mom and grandma after dinner. We had a good visit for about an hour and a half. After that, even though it was 8:30, Matthew wanted Pizza Studio, and surprisingly I did not. But I did get some fries at JCW. I should disclaim that I've been doing a lot of really small meals, and Matthew didn't really have dinner before we wen...