August in Review

Sunday, August 1 Matthew and I went to church and to the farmers market for produce. I also got groceries and picked up a prescription. He had Netflix "play something," and it put on Manifest. I actually am really into it, even though it's a little silly. Matthew made me some caprese for dinner using the tomatoes from the farmers market. 

August 2 was a fairly busy work day for me. I was happy to see a clear blue sky. I made chicken strips at home for dinner (homemade), and watched Manifest.

Tuesday, August 3 was pretty uneventful. Matthew had a rough day at work, and I got waxed. Rough day for us all, I guess! ;) 

August 4 we went to visit my mom and grandma after dinner. We had a good visit for about an hour and a half. After that, even though it was 8:30, Matthew wanted Pizza Studio, and surprisingly I did not. But I did get some fries at JCW. I should disclaim that I've been doing a lot of really small meals, and Matthew didn't really have dinner before we went to my grandma's.

Thursday, August 5 was a low-key day. We watched Manifest together. 

August 6 I went to Orange Theory. Matthew got into a car accident. We've been a one car family since this day. We Face Timed my dad and watched Ted Lasso, of course. 

Saturday, August 7 I went to Mapleton to see one of my clients finish her half marathon race! Sadly I got there TWO minutes after she finished! I waited for 35 minutes or so but figured that she probably had finished. Checked my Fitness app for Apple watch, and sure enough, she had finished. Made that long drive with dumb gas prices on a Saturday morning for no reason. Oh well. I did stop at Provo Bakery to try some donuts. They were out of toasted coconut, but I got maple, buttermilk, coconut, and something else I can't remember. I didn't even try the buttermilk one before it was time to throw it away. Donuts do not save well. I got groceries on my way home, did client check-ins, and did a leg day workout. We went to try Tonyburgers over in South Jordan. It was good, but it was hot in there with tons of flies. We splurged and went to Thirst for sodas and The Scoop for a treat. A day of very healthy eating, as you can see. 

August 8 I made some blueberry muffins from scratch before turning on Stake Conference online. It was a pretty low key day. 

Monday, August 9 I went to my first Orange Theory lift class in the evening. It was a lower body day. It was fun to do something different there. 

August 10 In the evening, Relief Society came to visit me; it was good to chat with them. We Face Timed Dianne that night. 

Wednesday, August 11, I went to Orange Theory in the morning; it was hard to get there, honestly. I was so tired that day I took a power nap in my boss's office. But that evening was my Favorite Things party! 

I brought Dutch Bros gift cards. I ended up with Kristen & Kristine's gifts. Loved them!
Amber brought Bath & Body Works candles. 
Brittney brought Starbucks gift cards.
Joyce brought Swig gift cards. 
Kathryn brought Thirst gift cards. 
Kirsty brought foot lotion & nail polish.
Kristen brought antibacterial wipes. 
Kristine brought lip salve. 
Natalie brought exfoliating mitts. 
Rachel brought succulents. 

It was a fun time--so good to see everyone, especially since I didn't see everyone for my birthday. We had some delicious treats. Kathryn brought beignets. Kristen brought this Oreo crusted peanut butter fluff treat, and it was awesome. I brought popcorn of course. Amber brought cookies from The Chocolate. Kristine brought cookies from Harmon's. Lots of yummy stuff. 

August 12 Matthew's bike tire got flat on his way to work, so I gave him a ride. After work, we went and signed him up at Vasa Fitness. I did a leg day, and he did some cardio. After that we tried to go to Joe Morley's BBQ, but it was packed. I've always wanted to try it, but now they're closing! So we headed over to Freddy's Steakburgers and Custard. It was super mediocre, but I did like the fries. We then went over to Culver's for custard since we weren't thrilled with Freddy's.  

Friday, August 13 I got a mediocre pizza lunch. That night I babysat our friends Cameron & Mariah's brand new baby Oliver. He was super good. I made the mistake of not having his bottle ready when I changed his diaper. Oops. Timing matters with these new babies. 

August 14 I went to Orange Theory and did the normal Saturday things (laundry and cleaning). I went to the pool too, which we haven't done very much this summer. The air has been so bad! We watched Ted Lasso together. That evening was the Balloon Festival. They had food trucks, activities, and music. It was just a "balloon glow," so we missed the sunrise launches and only got to see them glow on the ground. It was still cool. I like being outside and doing summer things while we still can, and while it's just the two of us. 

Sunday, August 15 I made waffles for us for breakfast. We went to Smith's, the farmers market, and Ocean Mart for Matthew to get some Asian food supplies. I spent a lot of time on the couch on this day (and the day before) and finished a show I've been watching (Manifest). Matthew made us a fancy dinner; chicken for me and beef bulgogi for him.

August 16 we had a Bees game and went with Matthew's friend and former coworker Andy and his son Jake. We left after 7th inning stretch, but the Bees were in the lead and ended up winning, so it was all good. I just needed to get to bed. 

Tuesday, August 17 I had a massage, and it was lovely. 

August 18 I went to Orange Theory in the morning and was starving all day as a result. We got Zupas for dinner and watched The Matrix which feels like a rainy day sort of movie. 

Thursday, August 19 was crazy at work. I guess a phishing scam went out from my email address, so I was putting out fires all day. After work was better: I went to dinner with Rachel. We met at Maria Bonita in Orem and then chatted at Starbucks. 

August 20 we went to empty Matthew's car at the body shop. We're going to put the money from his Passat into his Honda Accord. Jared and Amoreena got into town and picked me up to hang out at my grandma's house. Matthew took my car downtown to work security at a couple of music venues that night. 

Saturday, August 21 I did Orange Theory, laundry, and we both cleaned the house. Matthew ran errands. I took a nap. We picked up Chili's for dinner, which was a good thing since they didn't have any dine in! We watched Ted Lasso while we ate. That night we battled the rainstorm and drove downtown to Cloud Ninth creamery for free ice cream (thanks Yelp!). It was good. I got chocolate fudge ice cream; Matthew got peanut butter marshmallow and also straciatella. 

August 22 I went to breakfast by myself. I was ravenous and wanted pancakes. Unfortunately my wait was double what I was quoted, and my food was just OK. Later that day, my mom invited us to come to Oktoberfest with her, Jared, and Amoreena. We got there about 4:30. It was so nice up there. I had some sour cream veggie soup there, which was fine. But I used up my Chili's leftovers and some frozen fries and broccoli for dinner. Looked gourmet if you ask me. 

Monday, August 23 We went to our last Bees game with Kevin & Brionna (and Jace). Matthew's birthday is the last family night deal, and we're not celebrating his birthday at a ball game. The Bees game was actually a double header that started at 5. So we got there in the 4th inning of game one and stayed through the third inning of game two. They lost both games. But it was nice to hang with friends and so nice to see a blue sky and have good air! 

August 24 was just a regular day. I hung out on the couch after work while Matthew went to Bountiful for car stuff. 

Wednesday, August 25 I did Orange Theory in the morning. We watched a couple episodes of Trying on Apple TV. 

August 26 I had a doctor appointment. More on that later. We went to dinner at Spedelli's that night since I had a Yelp event. They were slammed and understaffed, as most places seem to be these days. The food was OK. On our way home my friend with a new baby reached out to ask us to bring her dinner. Her timing was really good since we were heading her direction on our way home. 

Friday, August 27 we cleaned the house since Matthew would be gone on Saturday. We watched Ted Lasso and ate pizza. 

Smoky sunrise on my walk

August 28 Matthew left town early in the morning for a concert weekend with his friends. I started laundry, went to Orange Theory, got groceries and gas, and did client check-ins. Then Rachel texted me asking for lunch suggestions. We ended up meeting up for lunch at Slackwater, so that was a fun spontaneous adventure! After that, I wandered around Barnes for a little while and didn't buy anything (so proud of that). I watched Manifest and finished laundry. I started listening to Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl while I finished laundry and put sheets on the bed. 

Dexter was very snuggly while his dad was gone.

Sunday, August 29 I was rudely woken up by my stupid cat who wouldn't shut up because he feels that his breakfast is the most important thing, and he'll die if he has to wait another minute to eat. I took myself to Ruth's Diner and came back home and slept more. It was a quiet day for me. I sat on the couch most of the day and watched Manifest. Only three episodes left of season 3. 

August 30 I was up early for leg day before work. I got myself some Costco chicken and mac and cheese and finished up season three of Manifest. 

Tuesday, August 31 I had Orange Theory in the morning, a virtual appointment in the afternoon, and a wax appointment in the evening. Matthew had dinner ready for me when I got home in the evening. Just a generally low key day.   

Overall it just feels like a pretty slow and uneventful month aside from two baseball games and the balloon glow. But I am trying to bask in the slowness of life right now. 

Books I finished in August:

Loving What Is by Byron Katie (audiobook)
Agatha Arch is Afraid of Everything by Kristin Baire O'Keeffe


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