November in Review
Monday, November 1 was a standard day. Did a leg press workout at Vasa in the morning. But after eating leftovers for dinner, I went and looked at Anytime Fitness, to try and find a gym that's not as busy as Vasa is at 6am. It was nice, but they are quite small. It's double the price of Vasa. I still want to see if any rec centers in Sandy or Midvale are good. I picked up some Crave Cookies for us, and we watched Dear Evan Hansen.
November 2 I started off with an indoor walk while listening to an audiobook. The morning was a struggle as I missed my grandpa. I got a maple (bacon) donut in his memory that morning. I struggled with sadness all day. Matthew was extra sweet and understanding. We went to dinner at Olive Garden, and he asked me to share memories of my grandpa. I was really emotional. I was too tired after dinner to make a German chocolate cake, but chatted with my dad for a half hour about grandpa.
Wednesday, November 3 I did my bench press workout at Vasa. I had another appointment with my ENT, Dr. Merkley since I had updated him about my Mucus Lucas situation. Unfortunately, the appointment wasn't as thorough as I had hoped. We talked through some options--one of which is to use budesonide in a saline rinse again, after checking with my midwives. He didn't do the camera scope or anything, just the standard nasal check. So that was a bummer. That evening I did some studying, and Matthew put on the newer Blade Runner movie.
November 4 I had a massage after work. It was done on my side due to being uncomfortable on my belly now. The massage therapist did a good job, but I would rather wait five months to get another massage than have one on my side again. I made a German chocolate cake that night, two days later than planned. It was delicious.
Friday, November 5 I did a squat workout at Vasa. We finally had another appointment with the midwives at The Birth Center! So exciting. They have an older/low resolution ultrasound machine they can use at will, so we unexpectedly got to see our little man. Even though he's only the size of an artichoke, I saw his fingers and feet, knees, and little arms. It's crazy! Matthew loved it and was so happy to get to see that.
November 6 was the anniversary of Rick's passing, so it was a bit of a struggle. We did our normal things--cleaning and laundry. I went to the gym. I packed up some books in boxes and did client check-ins. Then I went to storage, Walmart, and Smith's. Matthew had lunch with his mom and some extended family at Tonyburgers. He got some groceries after and took a nap. We had dinner at Itto sushi, which was our most disappointing experience there, unfortunately. While we were finishing up, Matthew got invited to a sibling dinner at Fleming's for 8pm that evening. So I watched Riverdale while he went out with his siblings.
Sunday, November 7 we had a slow morning. I read pregnancy books while Matthew played video games. I went to church and met with my ministering sisters for a few minutes. We had Dianne and Jim over for a late lunch. Matthew made fried chicken, green bean casserole, croissants, and salad all in honor of his dad. Dianne and I walked to the clubhouse to try some desserts that a neighbor of ours invited us to sample.
November 8, my mom swung by with some Harry Potter pieces, so it was good to see her for a second. I took a photo of my pregnant belly to send Shivani.
Tuesday, November 9 we went to see Eternals at the theater for $5 Tuesday! I liked it, though I don't think it's in my top five Marvel movies at all.
November 10, I changed things up and did my workout in the middle of my workday. It took longer than I hoped, and I got super sweaty, which isn't great if you can't shower or anything. I did run into my Uncle Dave at the gym though, so that was fun. Matthew picked up Little Caesars for me for dinner, and we started watching Dr. Who. He's already seen it; I haven't.
Thursday, November 11 we picked up dinner and took it to our friends who had the Rona. We went to eat at Wingers.
November 12 I picked up a new plaid shirt from Kohl's. It was $8, and I love a bargain. I got some Christmas stuff done that day. That night, we watched Dr. Who, and I watched Riverdale also.
Saturday, November 13 was a normal day. I braved the Costco crowd--the parking lot was worse than the inside, honestly. But also went to Kung Fu Tea and Crumbl to get some pecan pie cookies. Those are probably my favorite cookie Crumbl has ever done. I worked on my Girls Gone Strong stuff. We got dinner at Mint Sushi. While I was studying my textbook, I felt the baby move for the first time! It was emotional and exciting. I have felt him every day since!
November 14 we made breakfast together, watched Dr. Who, and took Dexter to the park and enjoyed some sunshine. We made the mistake of watching Saturday Night Fever. I wish I could un-see it.
Monday, November 15 after we had leftovers for dinner, Matthew went and got us peppermint shakes from Chick-Fil-A. They're so good.
November 16, I enlisted help with strollers and car seats. While I was grateful for the help, I got super overwhelmed. I baked some pies for work and did some homework.
Wednesday, November 17 I had an appointment with a pelvic floor physical therapist. It was such a great appointment. She was so helpful and informative. That was also plaid and pie day at work, which was fun. We went to Slackwater for dinner and then went to Buy Buy Baby to look at strollers and car seats. The guy there was actually super helpful.
Thursday, November 18 was Thankful Thursday. It's something I started at work years ago. One of my bosses sent me a nice email. It made my day. I went to the mall after work, walked on the treadmill, and watched Riverdale.
November 19, Matthew went to Mod Pizza with his cousins. I cleaned while he was gone. He drove me through In-N-Out after he got home. I had eaten dinner, but it was small, and this baby requires food every two hours. I don't say that facetiously; I say it begrudgingly. I don't like eating every two hours. It's a pain.
Saturday, November 20 was the start of a busy weekend. I started laundry and went to the gym where I deadlifted. I got groceries afterward and came home. I showered, thoroughly cleaned the fish tank, did client check-ins, and went to storage. Matthew went to Costco for Thanksgiving supplies. I went to PetCo to get a betta fish, and stopped at Dutch Bros. I spent hours putting my DVDs into a CD folio so I could pack away the cases and get rid of the shelves. We watched Harry Potter and the Hobbit while I did that and Matthew made Cornish game hens for dinner.
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Between sets of wide squats |
November 21 was a super busy day. I went to Home Depot for storage bins and Trader Joe's for some seasonal things, then Starbucks. I packed up the DVD cases, took them to storage, picked up the Harry Potter village from storage, and went to Michael's to get some cotton batting. I also got a goldfish at Petco because the betta couldn't swim in the tank with the filter. Matthew went to Walmart and out to Saratoga Springs to get his computer worked on. I set up the Harry Potter village and decorated for Christmas. I even wrapped Matthew's presents. After decorating the tree, I took the storage bins back to storage. I picked up Little Caes for us, and we watched Dr. Who. I made egg salad for myself for the week.
Monday, November 22 I finally had an appointment with the orthopedic doctor for my wrist. He said I have tendinitis, and there's not much that can be done other than a wrist brace, especially while I sleep. I'm grateful it's not worse or more serious, but also frustrated nothing can be done. Seems many women get carpal tunnel while pregnant, but this is not the same. I had a couple of friends send me messages that they also had wrist trouble while pregnant, even after baby. But the good news is the doctor said I can keep lifting, just to modify what hurts. And the appointment was quick, so I was able to get blood work done right after before going to work. Matthew made us dinner.
November 23 I had a wax appointment with a different lady from my norm. This was my second time with her, and I liked her better this time.
Wednesday, November 24 we had our anatomy ultrasound for the baby first thing in the morning. Everything went swimmingly except for getting a thorough view of his heart. I moved around a ton, but they had to bring in the senior/lead tech. She pushed super hard and got what she needed. It was fun to see baby boy even though the appointment was so stinking long. That evening I spent several hours at my grandma's helping to prep Thanksgiving food. I destroyed my feet doing that, and even a week later, they're still killing me.
November 25 I went on a walk indoors. Matthew headed to Chad & Jordyn's fairly early to start heating up the oil for his turkey. I stuck around the house and got ready. I headed over there around 1pm. It was fun to spend time with family. We ate at about 3:45, and all the food was so good. Jordyn's setup was so pretty, as always. We went to my grandma's house about 7:20; they had just started to eat at 7, so we weren't too late. I took small bites of everything at both dinners and still felt too full, like I had nowhere to put the food.
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Holding baby Goldie |
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Holding baby Gunner |
Friday, November 26 I did squats at the gym and treated myself to a Protein Foundry protein shake, and some Greek baby Louks. They were good! We went to the movies and saw Ghostbusters, which we loved! That evening we hung out at Chad & Jordyn's again. They were going to do a bonfire, but it just ended up being a hangout where everyone ate wings, and I lay on the couch. But Melissa got to feel baby boy from the outside, so that was fun.
November 27 started off normally with cleaning, laundry, and my gym time. I ran errands, got home, did client check-ins, and showered. Matthew went to Scheels with his family. I met up with them all for lunch at Hu Hot. We had leftovers for dinner and watched Dr. Who.
Sunday, November 28 I got us Duck Donuts. I wrapped more presents. We took the dog to the park and ran him around. I didn't want leftovers or anything else, so I got Little Caesars Slices N Stix, which is my new favorite thing. Matthew cooked himself some Udon. We watched Dr. Who.
November 29 was back to the gym and back to work. I got a lot of planning done for my brother's fiancee's bridal shower. I arranged the games, made an agenda, and went to Zurcher's after work. Matthew and I watched most of Moneyball, as neither of us was feeling very well. Matthew got his desk at work, but it was first come first serve, and he missed the email, so he's not super happy with where it's at. I also bought us tickets for Cross E Ranch lights.
Tuesday, November 30 I walked in the morning, and had a busy workday with lots of meetings. I had heartburn all day and figured if that was going to be the case, then I would eat whatever I wanted, so we went to Chili's for dinner.
Overall, November was a quiet month with most of our time spent at home, which I won't complain about. December is already shaping up to be super busy.
Books I read in November:
No Cure for Being Human: And Other Truths I Need to Hear by Kate Bowler (audiobook)
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson (audiobook)
Elevation by Stephen King (audiobook)
Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski (audiobook)