Birthday 35

Birthday number 35 didn't disappoint although my morning was a rough start. I got up to go squat, and my cute husband had sent me a sweet text message to wake up to. He also wrote on the white board for me. Where it got difficult was when I was trying to make my daily protein shake. I make spinach ice cubes to add iron in for baby. But my ice trays are ancient and not flexible, so I broke it to pieces. And a spinach cube got on my sweater, so I had to change when I was already late. Just a frustrating start. 

But when I got to work, my coworkers and bosses really came through. Becky (head of the collections team) decorated my desk. I already had roses from Matthew from the day before; they came early. My boss Dan had brought donuts for me. My new coworker Nicole brought me a chocolate cake. My boss Scott had dropped off a card and gift card to Mint Sushi. 

from Matthew

My workday overall was really good. Busy but not crazy. I got lots of texts and Facebook messages wishing me happy birthday. 

My mom came by around 2:30 to drop off my present: a bath pillow I had on my Amazon wish list. I'm excited to use it! 

I left early for a midwife appointment, and flowers arrived from my boss and his wife, so Nicole sent me a photo of them. 

from my boss and his wife

My appointment was long because I asked a ton of questions. 

On my way home, I got my free Starbucks. You can only use that ON your birthday, which I feel is a bummer. 

When I got home, Matthew was making dinner. He had prepared and printed a lovely menu for me. And he bought me a chocolate cake slice from Village Baker. 

He made me a salad, pasta from scratch, Alfredo sauce, breaded chicken breast, and focaccia bread (though he wasn't happy with that). It was all really delicious. 

Matthew's work sent me a box of Crumbl cookies, which I thought was really nice. I also got an Amazon gift card with no sender, but found out later it was my sister who sent it! 

As for phone calls, I got one from my nanny Carmen, my brother Jason, my friend Brittany, and my friend Brianne. 

On Friday, I got myself a free sub from Firehouse for lunch, and got myself a free birthday boba smoothie on my way home. I love birthday freebies. 

My brother and his wife and mother in law also came by my work to bring me shower presents, which was so nice. 

On Friday night, we went to a movie at Century 16 for a private watch party that Matthew had planned and organized. Those who came were Jim, Ashley and Andres, Sunya and Michael, Joyce, Kristen, Julie, Brittney, Heather and James (and their cute baby), Harrison, Emma and Nate, and Kevin and Brionna. Ashley and Andres brought me balloons and snacks. Brittney gave me a cute "happy mama" t-shirt. And Heather and James got me a bag of coconut flavored snacks. 

We watched Ghostbusters, which we had already seen, but loved it even more the second time. After I got out of the movie, I saw I had a voicemail from my dad wishing me a happy birthday because he thought a text wasn't the same.  

Overall, I had a really great birthday thanks to my sweet husband and his thoughtfulness, and thanks to friends and family who sent texts and showed up. 


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