February in Review

February 1 I started preparing for my birthing class by doing the online unit. I started meeting with a new therapist. I do wish they had listened when I requested to meet with a therapist in person; this particular one only does one day of in-person visits, and that day is full. But I like her, so we'll see how virtual appointments go. That evening we had a frozen pizza. I watched Riverdale while Matthew went to his friend's house. 

Wednesday, February 2 I had a pelvic floor physical therapy appointment that was entirely uncomfortable but still so helpful. That night was our first birthing class, all the way down in Provo. We had Sensuous Sandwich first, which was fun. I hadn't been there in years. 

February 3 was a crazy morning at work. We had a pipe burst and spray water all over our ceiling near the copier and break room. Lots of craziness trying to deal with that. Matthew and I had dinner at Mo Bettahs. I went to Target and walked on the treadmill when I got home. 

Friday, February 4 was pretty uneventful. Matthew cooked us dinner, and we watched Boba Fett. 

February 5 was a standard Saturday of Orange Theory, laundry, cleaning, groceries, and client check-ins. We got Chili's for dinner and used my free birthday dessert. 

Sunday, February 6 I watched stake conference while walking on my treadmill. We got groceries, and I did some basic meal prep for the week. I did lots of reading for birth class. I find I do lots of baby prep on Sunday. We Face Timed my dad and watched Dr. Who. 

February 7 my temporary replacement started at work, so work was busy just showing her how to do things and teaching her about the companies. We had our 3D ultrasound which was so fun. He was being a stinker and blocking his face with his arm. Then when his arm moved, his cord was in the way. So getting photos was a challenge. We watched Ted Lasso, and I got myself Waffle Love using my Twosday deal ($2 off for 2/22/22). 

Tuesday, February 8 work was busy again. I went to my grandma's after work to ride with her and my mom to Marla's for my family baby shower. Mom and Marla did an awesome job. They made a Chinese chicken salad and lots of treats. Those in attendance were mom, grandma, Marla, Carrie, Jenny, Paige (and sons), aunt Jessica, Chloe, aunt April, Zoey, my sister in law Whitney, aunt Amy, and my cousin Whitley. Everyone was so generous to come and spend their time and bring gifts. My mom made three quilts. I was honestly astonished, and still am. She did a dinosaur one, a Harry Potter one, and a KISS one. It was a late night getting home and getting to sleep.

February 9 we had a potluck spirit day at work. Matthew made dinner, and we watched Schitt's Creek that night. 

I wrote about my birthday and February 11 in this post if you want to go read it. But I did take time on my birthday to chat with two videographers for our birth. 

Saturday, February 12 was a normal Saturday with Orange Theory, laundry, cleaning, and client check-ins. Matthew and I went to The Habit for lunch and got my free birthday burger. We got groceries and picked up cat food. I spent a long time writing thank you cards for my shower and my birthday, while watching Inside Out and Tangled. I went to bed early. 

February 13 was a quiet day at home. We made breakfast and watched Boba Fett. 

Monday, February 14 we had dinner at Toscano. Matthew made the reservations. A couple at the restaurant got engaged, so that was super cliche cute. Funnily, we ran into the couple after dinner at Cold Stone down in Draper and congratulated them. 

February 15 I did bench presses at the gym. I got video of the baby moving wildly in my belly. And we decided on a birth videographer!

Wednesday, February 16 we had birth class in Provo. We ate at Bam Bam's BBQ in Orem first. I hated the smell in there (pregnancy is weird), but didn't tell Matthew because he was really excited to eat there. I didn't get to bed until really late. 

February 17 the best I could do in the morning was walk. Late nights make it hard to get up for the gym. My orchid bloomed this day!

Friday, February 18 I did squat day at the gym. I had to go downtown for work errands, and I started having practice labor pains, which aren't fun. But I am trying to frame it all as practice for the real deal. 

February 19 was a busy day for me. All the normal stuff--cleaning, laundry, and my Orange Theory workout. I also gave a neighbor kid a ride to school for an ACT practice test (they feed my cat when I leave town). I cleared out a lot of gym stuff and organized a little more. I pulled out all the baby clothes, towels, and wash cloths to put in a pile to wash. I did client check-ins. While I finally showered and took a bath, Matthew put together the crib since I got a crib mattress on sale. I went to Walmart for some random things, and luckily found some bathroom shelves so I could put the baby's toiletries in the bathroom. I got groceries, then came home and put together the shelves. 

Sunday, February 20 we went to Black Bear Diner to use my free birthday breakfast. Honestly, I don't know that it's worth paying for Matthew's breakfast when we go. It's been disappointing almost every time we go back. I love their orange juice and their pancakes. Everything else is disappointing, honestly. We had a low key day. Matthew vacuumed and took out trash. I walked on the treadmill. We watched Free Guy and the Avengers, and prepped for the week. I worked on clearing out my phone photos and organizing some files. I started taking photos of greeting cards and things people write to me, then throwing the cards away. I value cards and words, but have never wanted to hang onto the physical card since I don't know what to do with it. So saving photos of cards is a good solution for me.

February 21 was a low-key day of lifting, work, and hanging at home for the evening. Matthew had the day off work, so we got lunch together at Mr. Charlie's. 

Tuesday, February 22 was another day of lifting, and the only thing on the calendar was my wax appointment, which is less and less fun as I get closer to my due date. I also had to get a couple things from the store and got myself a Waffle Love. 

February 23 was a long day. I walked on the treadmill. I had a pelvic floor physical therapy appointment really early--once again my drive was thwarted by the snow. Work was a long and busy day, as it's been consistently lately. Matthew and I headed to Provo for our birth class. We got Pita Pit first, which was so good. I still love it. Class actually ended five minutes early which was like a Christmas miracle. So we went to the Creamery and got some chocolate milk and some ice cream, which I ate too much of and puked a little on the drive home. I don't have the room for food I wish I did. 

Thursday, February 24 was another long day. I got up to lift, and was happy to find it was a much shorter and easier workout than what I've been used to. I had to get to All Star Bowling by 8am for a kickoff meeting I helped plan for one of the companies I support. After the meeting I went and got my COVID test for the Saturday symphony. The day continued on because I had another baby shower in Lehi from Matthew's side of the family. My sister-in-law went all out on a Harry Potter theme, and it was amazing! She made an awesome invite, sealed cards with a Hogwarts seal, hung hats and floating candles, and made little snitches out of Ferrero Rocher candy. Everyone contributed enough to get us $55 away from purchasing our car seat/stroller combo, and I am SO grateful. Two of my sisters in law came up from CA for my shower as a surprise! I couldn't believe it. I never expect anyone to go to such great lengths, and when they do I am speechless. After getting home that night, though, Matthew shared some unfortunate news with me about changes at his work. Just more of life's curveballs, I guess. 

February 25 was finally a lower-key day (but not without a lifting session of course). We did have a midwife appointment, which is always a fun time. I'm not being facetious. I enjoy my midwife appointments. I also was thrown a surprise baby shower at work! It was so cute, and I was so grateful. 

Saturday, February 26 we did some cleaning and laundry. I went to Orange Theory. We put together the baby's dresser, and I got to work doing his laundry (so. much. laundry.). We went to the Harry Potter symphony! We missed the last one because I tested positive. In the first half of the movie, my feet swelled up terribly in my Vans. 

February 27 I did lots more baby laundry and organizing. I posted on social media about our registry, and a few people sent me Venmos, some ordered gifts, and my dad went ahead and got almost everything on the registry! I got super emotional about it. I'm so thankful for him. That evening, we did our maternity photos at Salt Lake. It was too windy the Sunday before, so we had to reschedule. But man, the photos came out so good!

Monday, February 28 was uneventful. I lifted in the morning, worked (always busy), and watched Mrs. Maisel with Matthew. 

Overall it's been a good month. Now we are in March and I can't believe the baby comes NEXT MONTH. It is blowing my mind. 

I started a bunch of books in February, but they were all super long, so they were due back on my Libby app before I could finish.

Books I started in February (but have to finish still) are:

Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning (audiobook)
Hollowpox by Jessica Townsend (audiobook)
Anxious People by Fredrik Backman (audiobook) - finished!


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