AJ's Birth Story

On Saturday, April 16, I had gone grocery shopping. I struggled the whole time and almost thought, "I probably shouldn't be out shopping right now." I was so tired when I got home; I cried to Matthew just out of exhaustion. An hour later, we were watching Moon Knight. Matthew had left the room to pee I think. I was sitting on the couch and felt a gush of warm liquid and said, “oh shit!” And ran to the bathroom. Liquid poured out of me. There was a lot of brown stuff sunken at the bottom of the toilet. I texted the midwife at 4:24 a photo of it. She didn’t answer so I Face Timed my mom. She and my grandma both believed my water had broken. I spent a lot of time on the toilet because I just would not stop leaking. I leaked through a pad in just a few minutes. So I ended up putting on an adult diaper. Libby called at 4:58 and said it was likely meconium in the amniotic fluid. She said it is typical of overdue babies. She talked about the risks of meconium respiration and sa...